Class A

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The school bell rings, and everyone is already in class.

"Alright, everyone, welcome back to class. We have a new student joining us today, and hopefully, you all can get along well," Kenji said to the class. "David, please stand up and introduce yourself to the class."

David stood up. "Hello, my name is David, and it's nice to meet you all," he spoke.

"Now, David, us students in class A hold no secrets with each other. Might you share with the class what your technique is?" Kenji said. "Now we'll see if he claims the curse as his own," he thought to himself.

"Oh, well, truth be told, I don't have a technique. I get all my power from the curse that lives inside of me. I myself am a cursed human," David told the class. "It is a pleasure meeting you all."

The whole class was silent. "So, you say you're cursed?" a random girl spoke from the front of the class.

David stood straight and looked at the back of her head. "Well, yeah," he said.

The girl raised her hand. "So, teacher, weren't we instructed to report any cursed human being to Golden Boy? You know the last human who was cursed really hurt a lot of people," the girl said.

Kenji simply nodded his head, giving David a chance to defend himself.

"You're absolutely correct. You can go ahead and report me if you want, but remember Hakari, that wanted criminal," David said.

"Yes, I was sent to catch him once, but the poor guy got away," the girl said.

"I was the one who took him down single-handedly. So, say what you want about me being cursed. I'm not evil like the last guy was! And you can mark my words!" David exclaimed.

Kenji looked down and smiled to himself. "Alright, David, take a seat. You've got a lot of catching up to do," Kenji said.

"Yes, sir!" David said as he sat in his seat, thinking about what he had just said. "What the hell was I saying just now? I'm a fucking murderer," he thought to himself.

Kenji went on with his lesson plan. They studied curses and where they come from. Apparently, ever since humans evolved with the ability to use techniques as weapons, they started to pull in negative forces as a side effect.

"But the Devils are still a mystery. We don't know where Devils come from or what they are. All we know is that some have several hearts, and all of them are grade A and above," Kenji explained.

Oh yeah, the grading system. Everyone and everything are ranked on a system. S to F is the scale. Each rank is given a number from 1 to 5.


And so on and so on. Everyone in Class A is a C rank and above. As for David, he's ranked F5, given his new status in the school. Just him being in that class was an insult to all of Class A.

"Now, everyone, get ready so we can move outside and start the training regime," Kenji spoke to the class.

Everyone started packing up their stuff. "Huh? Are we done learning for today?" David asked himself.

"Nope! But the majority of the sorcerer class mainly works on physical training," a random female said, sitting next to David. "So you're cursed, right?!" She had a lot of energy.

David didn't really like all of the energy, so he leaned away. "Yeah... what about it?" David said.

"What curse is it?! I wanna know!" The girl went on.

David stood up and grabbed his stuff. "I don't know," he said as he walked out of class, following Kenji and the others.

Soon, they were outside behind the school. There was a track, basketball court, soccer field, pool, volleyball arena, circle battle stage, weight area, and a lot of empty space.

Cursed : The Golden AgeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant