Part - 18

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Sunghoon: We're wasting our time by attacking her. What do you want from us?

Hazel: I want you to divorce her and marry me. Then I'll let her go.

Sunghoon: That's out of the question.

Hazel: Why is it so hard? You just need to sign the papers. I'll take care of the rest.

Sunghoon: I refuse.

Hazel: Then don't expect any mercy from me.

With that, she walked away.

Hyunjin: What do we do now?

Sunghoon was deep in his thoughts when he suddenly said:

Sunghoon: I remember my car!

He ran towards his car.

Hyunjin: What's in your car?

He followed him.

Sunghoon got there and pulled out some papers from the back of his car.

Hyunjin looked at them and said:

Hyunjin: Why are you digging out garbage now?

Sunghoon: It's not garbage. It's the address of all her secret locations.

Hyunjin: How do you have it?

Sunghoon: I don't have time to explain. I'm sending you the locations. Go find her.

He got in his car and drove away.

Hyunjin received his message and also got in his car and left.

Hazel's pob

Hazel: Ugh, I want to kill her, but unfortunately I can't. Wait, I can't kill her, but I can at least torture her.

Saying that, I grabbed my phone and called some people.

On the phone

?: Hello.

Hazel: I'm sending you a location. There's a girl there. Beat her up, but don't kill her.

?: Okay, ma'am.

Call ends.

Suzy's pov

I was weak. My eyes were blurry. I saw a figure coming towards me. I didn't have any strength to say anything, so I stayed silent.
That figure came to me and started untying the ropes. After he freed me, I gathered some energy to say thanks.

Suzy: Th... Aaaaaah!

Before I could say thanks and get up, he pushed me to the floor. I screamed in pain. He kept hitting me. In no time, I lost consciousness. The man left after that.

Hyunjin's pov

I was at an unknown place that Sunghoon sent me the location of. I heard someone screaming. I went that way. I hid when I saw a masculine figure getting out of a dilapidated building. After he left, I went inside.

Hyunjin: Suzy!

I saw her lying on the floor, unconscious. I quickly called Sunghoon.

On the phone

Sunghoon: Talk.
Hyunjin: I found her.
Sunghoon: Where?
Hyunjin: At ×××××.

After the call ended, I was going to pick her up, but I heard someone coming towards me. I took out my gun and faced the entrance.

Hyunjin: Who's there? Show yourself.

?: It's me.

Hearing that voice, I was stunned.

Hyunjin: Hazel.

Hazel: Oh, you recognized me.

Hyunjin: Don't touch her, or I'll shoot you.

Hazel: Oh, honey, I'm scared.

(Sarcastic laugh)

While she was laughing, she suddenly got hit on her head and fell down. I quickly went that way and saw Sunghoon standing. He went inside towards Suzy. On the other hand, I took Hazel with me.

Sunghoon's pov

I arrived at the location and saw the building. I spotted Hazel laughing and felt uneasy. Before she could act, I struck her head with a metal rod. After she collapsed, I noticed Hyunjin holding his gun and Suzy lying unconscious behind him. I dashed towards her.


Thanks for reading.. ♡♡

Last second chapter, the story is about to end soon..!!

The rainy night Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora