Part- 17

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They stepped out of the car, the evening air crisp around them.

Suzy: Feeling tired?

Hyunjin: Not really.

Suzy: How about a movie night?

Hyunjin: Why not?

They walked into the cinema,

Hyunjin: Which movie?

Suzy: Horror?

Hyunjin: Okay.

Hyunjin started the movie, sinking into the plush seat. Suzy, ever the documenter of moments, snapped a picture of the screen and another with Hyunjin. She posted it on Instagram with the caption: "Movie night with a friend."

Soon after, Luna's comment appeared:

> **Luna**: Friend or boyfriend?

Suzy's friends flooded the comments, speculating and shipping the two, but Suzy remained oblivious—her phone was on silent.

Meanwhile,  Sunghoon's pov:

Sunghoon (thinking): Ah, I need to finish my work quickly. I should head back by tomorrow

Sunghoon's Jealousy Unleashed


Sunghoon's phone buzzed with a notification. Suzy had posted a picture, and curiosity got the better of him. As he opened the app, his blood began to boil. The comments were filled with speculation, friends playfully shipping Suzy and Hyunjin. Sunghoon clenched his jaw, jealousy gnawing at him.

Meanwhile, Hyunjin sat next to Suzy in the dimly lit theater, engrossed in the horror movie. His phone vibrated, and he glanced at the screen. Sunghoon's message cut through the tension:

> Sunghoon: *Bitch, wait till I come back.*

Hyunjin furrowed his brow, puzzled. He replied:

> Hyunjin: *What do you mean?*

Sunghoon's cryptic response came swiftly:

> Sunghoon: *You'll see.*

Confused, Hyunjin shrugged it off and focused on the movie.

**_Time skip_**

The credits rolled, and Suzy let out a relieved sigh. Hyunjin agreed—the horror flick had been intense.

Suzy: It's almost midnight. Let's head back and get some rest.

Hyunjin: You go ahead. I'll close up here and join you.

Suzy nodded and left for her room. Alone, she unlocked her phone and opened Instagram. Her heart sank as she saw the flood of comments from friends, all speculating about her relationship with Hyunjin. And there it was—Sunghoon had viewed the post. Nervousness settled in. If Sunghoon got jealous, who knew what would unfold for her and Hyunjin?

Suzy's pov

Suzy: He won't be here for another day, so nothing will happen. Maybe he will forget all this by then.

She said this to herself and put her phone on silent mode before falling asleep.

Next day

Sunghoon's pov

I woke up and took a shower. Then I packed my stuff. I was done with everything and ready to leave in the afternoon.

Suzy's pov

It was 7:30 in the morning. I had already taken a bath and dressed up. Now I was making breakfast for me and Hyunjin, but he was still asleep. I would wake him up later when the food was almost ready.

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