Chapter 5

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{Blake's P.O.V}
I felt someone put their hands around my waist while the girls and I were dancing so I turned around sorta ready to punch whoever it was in face for touching me like that. The same thing happened to the others. We all turned around and saw the guys. I was shocked when I saw Rossi. We all said our 'hellos' and 'heys' at the same time. We continued to dance Rossi's arms were still around my waist and we were dancing. All of a sudden I saw Emily and Hotch kiss. They were practically making out. I went closer to David's ear and I told him to look behind him. When he turned around he saw Hotch and Emily kissing he quickly turned around and we both laughed. I was surprised, but Dave not so much he just kept smiling and dancing. I then noticed Hotch and Emily disappeared I told Rossi and he said that they left together so we laughed. We danced all night and I was very drunk. Dave and I went outside he and I were too drunk to drive so he put me in a cab. He got in the same cab.  The taxi ride was quiet and kinda weird. When we got to my house Rossi got out and opened the door on my side of the car. He walked me to my door. Before I opened it I turned around and,I asked him if he wanted to come in because well,he was nice and I kinda like him so why not. My words were sorta slurring and after I asked him he said, "I would really like to...but you are very drunk and I feel that if I did,well it would make our friendship awkward and,we just met." I said "'re not attracted to me like that...I get it." He chuckled and responded "It's not that,it's just,I don't want you to think that I'm taking advantage." I smiled at him and said "okay." With that I walked into my house and tumbled onto my couch.
{David's P.O.V}
The guys and I saw the girls and they were all dancing. We looked at each other and then we all walked to them. The boys and I put out hands on the girls hips. They all immediately turned around and greeted us. I had my arms around Alex's waist and we danced the night away of course we were all drunk. Blake pointed out Aaron and Emily. They were making out. I wasn't surprised because they were practically made for each other. Emily is like a daughter to me and Hotch is my best friend. I've always wanted them together. I finally turned back around then I saw them leaving and I smiled a while later Alex told me that they disappeared so I told her that they left together and we kept dancing. In some way Alex and I ended up outside getting a cab. The ride was quiet and awkward then we got to her house. I got out and opened the door for her we walke to her front door and when we got there she unlocked the door but didn't open it,she turned around and asked if I wanted to come into the house with her. The drunk part of me screamed yes but the solber part of me didn't want to take advantage. So I told her no. She said in a smirk,blush and upset way, "'re not attracted to me like that...I get it." I quickly reassured her that that wasn't the case, I said "It's not that,it's just,I don't want you to think that I'm taking advantage." She smiles and said "okay." In a teasing way,then she went inside. I went back to the cab who was suprisingly was still waiting and I went home.

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