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Harper's pov

I woke up from last night where me and hazel had a blast but I kinda want to see her again.

I walked to her room of her apartment (pretend that it's apartments now) and knocked.. and nobody answered so I knocked again.. still no answer. Hm let me text her. I had my ear close to the door and hear her phone but no answer. Hmm Ohhh yeah I know where her extra key is let me open this door now.

I opened it and saw a note saying

" whoever is reading this I want to let you know that I went out of town and the town is close by so yeah. Hopefully I'm going to be safe here. And if Harper is reading this I hope to see you in the future or soon. But I don't have a plan coming back here. I want to start new in a new town

Xoxo , hazel 💗

I was kinda mad at her because she didn't tell me and she didn't want me to start new with her but I guess finding her is the best idea.

She said she close to town where could that be??? Hmmmm.

Time pass  to like 1 hour later.

Okay so I finally got an idea where she could be. So I pack her phone In my pocket and head to the town where I think we would be. But her phone keeps going off. So I'm very nosy so I look at it. It was Tom.

(In text )

T: I'm sorry.
T: I didn't mean that to happen
T: please forgive me.
T: I know I did something wrong but I'm sorry.
(Not in text)

God couldn't he just said that in one big sentence? Whatever. Wait what if why she ran away to that town is because of Tom. Omg if it is I swear I'm going to kill him.

So I set off walking to this town with hope that I will find her.


Okay so if you red the book "my three wishes" well I'm making a part 2!🤭 and I'm making another book but I'm not going to post it into I have a little bit of character in it. Anywho ty for reading! Bye loves!


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