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You sat there, legs, arms, torso, and face left in a bloody mess. You were tied to a chair and your legs were trembling from pain and aches.
The usual.
Expect from different people for a change.
I let out a slight gulp as one of the guys started getting angrier and angrier since I wouldn't give him any information.

-For context-
I was a medic for an opposing team, since there had been a fight and many soldiers were getting hurt, my unit was sent out to help the wounded from our team.

As I heard grunts of pain from the forest, I went farther and farther until I was dead center I'm the forest, the men that called themselves Kor-Tac had kidnapped me for intel. Now I was inside a warehouse, tied up. Things couldn't get any worse.


"I'll fucking kill you bitch!" One of the men said as he gripped his fists into a ball. I chuckled lowly, knowing that it really couldn't get any worse. Besides, half of the guys were all talk and no guts.

That was until..

I met The Wolf.

A couple guys called for a man named König on their radios. Literally, a few seconds later his tall figure hung in the door frame of the room.

He must've been 6'7. No.. maybe 6'9.
He was in quite the shape, muscular body, he wore a dark grey shirt that pressed his against his body but yet not putting too much pressure on his chest. His pants were cargo, plain and simple outfit really expect he had a sniper hood on. Why? I have no clue.

All I knew was that my ass was most likely done.

Some guys signaled for him to get closer, they whispered something in his ear and his eyes were kept on me. After what felt like forever he walked towards me, looming over me as I looked up just to see his hood, my mouth was slightly agape as I closed it.

"I'm just a medic." I managed to cough out to him, his arms were crossed.

He didn't talk for a few seconds, it looked like he was debating on what to say.

"Since you won't talk, you'll make for a good rabbit." His German accent thickening in the rabbit part as I stared in confusion on what in the world a 'good rabbit'  meant.

Before I could speak, he was already leaving to another room, the guys started dragging the chair with me in it behind him and I was screaming for them to let me go.

Once we came to a halt I looked around the room quickly, it looked like, a fighting ring? Fuck. I knew how to fight, but a 7' giant? I was doomed.

"What the fuck." I screamed out. But before I could say anything else, he put me off the chair and into the ring with one hand. My legs were no longer tied but my arms were.

"15 seconds to untie yourself before I come get you, rabbit." He chuckled as he got in the corner, the guys started to count.

I was already fumbling with the rope since they had been dragging me so after a few seconds I was already untied. I put my hands up even though I knew I had no chance.

He didn't waste any time. He soon got closer, like a predator ready to pounce on his prey. And soon enough he did try.

I ducked and tried hitting his shin which made him fall on his back right in the middle of the arena.
I wasn't going to get too cocky yet.

I straddled my legs on his hips as I knew I had to fight. I landed a few hard punches on his hood and heard him grunt in discomfort.

He kept fighting, obviously though. He bucked his hips to get me off once, then twice, but finally on the third time he pinned me onto the ground. He grabbed my hands above my head with one hand. The other looked ready to punch but didn't yet.

"Still don't wanna talk rabbit?" He breathed out lowly, trying to gain his breath slightly. He knew I wasn't going to be able to do the same and buck my hips. The guy was all muscle and at least 170 pounds of it were.

"Fuck no." I winced out.

He soon motioned for the guys to leave the room and close the door, once they did. They could hear my screams from outside but I heard their footsteps walk away.

After what felt like 3 hard punches to the face I was screaming so fucking loud I don't know how his ears survived.

"Talk or there will be more, little rabbit." His voice stern and showing no mercy even though I was a woman. I looked into his eyes and saw emptiness, but what felt like the slightest pinch of remorse for me.

"No!" I sobbed out as my hands gripped onto his shirt, he didn't even bother to take them off him.

"Just fucking give them the information so I don't have to hurt you! This isn't pleasurable for either one of us." He screamed out slightly louder than a normal voice he used.

Did he just say he felt bad for me?

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