chapter nine

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"He can drain the life out of someone," Aspen said, filling the silence that had settled over the group.

"That's what he was cursed to do." Adara shrugged. Thinking back on it, it's not all that surprising he can take the powers from the Terra. And since the Terra is made up of the four element's powers, that means their power is being taken as well.


"What happens if we get there and he's already drained all of the Terra's powers?" Ara asked fearfully.

"That won't happen. He still has yet to deplete everything, and he's only had her for a couple of weeks," Audra reassured, although it sounded as if she were trying to convince herself the same thing.

"I couldn't make a snowfall!" Aspen countered.

"I couldn't make a singular flame," Adara added quietly.

"I couldn't make the wave big enough,"Ara added.

"And you couldn't make a breeze," Adara argued.

"That was in a desert. I'm positive I can do that now while I'm on the water. Water and wind are kinfolk," Audra scoffed. She shifted her position, making it so her legs were crossed. Placing her palms on her knees (facedown), she closed her eyes and exuded peace. Nothing happened, not even a wisp of her hair. However, when Audra came out of her trance, she looked tired. "Did anything happen?"

"No," Adara confirmed gently.

"Maybe it's just... maybe the Terra decided to take a nap?" Audra asked hopefully, considering any possible solution other than the truth.

"It doesn't work that way, and you know that. Even if the Terra is sleeping, our power functions," Aspen chided.

"Relax, Aspen. She's scared. We're all scared. We're about to go fight the Malum with no source of power. And if there is some, it's weak. Nothing compares to the amount he has. But if we don't fight him, our queendoms will fall, and the Terra may never make it out alive."


They were an hour away from the Malum's castle when it happened. The waves were rocky, tossing the boat side to side, something Ara couldn't do. The atmosphere felt hot like the flames Adara couldn't produce, and it was windy, causing the sails to billow in the wind. All the powers the Sisters couldn't use were accumulating in front of them in one motion with ease.

"He knows we're here." Aspen declared. It wasn't a question.

"Who's he?" Garrick asked dumbly. He slept the entire time they were talking about the Malum having the ability to absorb their power through means of the Terra.

"The Malum, you idiot!"

"Oh shit, that guy? I'm out," Garrick said, standing up and looking for an escape route.

"Where are you going to go? We haven't been home in weeks, Garrick. You have no way of navigating this area. You came with me."

"Bad, bad idea." Adara glared at him.

"Now is not the time to be fighting," Audra chided. Garrick moved closer to Ara, and Adara rolled her eyes.

"What do we do? We didn't think about how we were going to get in his castle," Ara asked.

"No, we didn't."

"We're great, guys. Really, really awesome," Aspen says sarcastically, a hint of panic creeping into her voice. Suddenly, Adara's hand felt like it was burning, and she immediately snatched her hand up from the boat's bench as the sensation coursed through her veins.

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