"Are you getting excited?" She asked as he hung out in her room for the last few days.

"More than excited. I'm ready to meet our little one," he nodded, coloring a spot of the color-by-number pages she'd gotten to keep herself busy.

"Me too," she smiled, "But we need to get serious about names,"

"Have any in mind?" He asked, both of them staying focused on the lines as they colored.

"Not really. We don't know the gender so we need to think of at least 2 girl and 2 boy names. Just first names at least, and then we can think about the middle name.

"You got any ideas?" He asked, looking at Grace as they both set their colored pencils down.

"Not yet,"

"I've seen apps that we can both use and basically we can connect the account and it's like swiping. If we both like a name, it goes into our list," Grace explained, finding the app on her App Store.

"What is it?" Alex asked as he got his phone out, pulling up the App Store.

She showed him the icon and made them an account before Alex joined her and they started going through the name options.

After a little over 10 minutes, they both decided to look at the list they agreed on for only girl names.

"Alright, top 5 for a girl?" Grace asked, getting a notepad out with a pen and starting a list.

"Riley, Aubree, Madeline, Ellie, and Makenzie," Alex listed off as he looked at his side of the app.

"I had Emery, Callie, Lexie, Avery, and Blake," Grace said as she wrote down her top 5 from her list. "Boy?"

"I had Emmett, Levi, Carter, Mason, and Noah,"

"Mine were Landon, Hudson, Eli, Weston, and Jackson," she listed off, having a list for both genders. "Boy or girl first?"

"Let's start with girl,"

"Alright so we had Riley, Aubree, Madeline, Ellie, Makenzie, Emery, Callie, Lexie, Avery, and Blake," she said as she read off the list.

"Any that we don't want?" He asked, thinking about the list that she'd made. "Blake Bowman?"

"Okay so no Blake," she shook her head, not liking how it sounded as she crossed it off the list, Aubree?"

"Aubree's cute, Maybe we take out Makenzie?"

"I would be okay with that. Down to 8," she sighed, looking over the list again. "Madeline sounds too close to Malorie in my opinion,"

"Alright so no Madeline," he nodded as she crossed it off the list. "I'm not crazy about Lexie or Callie,"

"Me either but they were there. Not my top 2," she agreed as she crossed them off. "What about Riley?"

"Not my top name. I struggled with the girl names,"

"We just need to get rid of 2 more," she said as she bit the end of her pen. "What names are you dead set on keeping?"

"I really want to keep Aubree, and I really like Emery,"

"Same page," she grinned, crossing Ellie and Avery off the list. "Okay. We have the 2 girls names now. So for the boys, we have Emmett, Levi, Carter, Mason, Noah, Landon, Hudson, Eli, Weston, and Jackson for boys. Which ones are you not thrilled about?"

"Weston and Jackson are 2,"

"I'm not huge on Emmett or Noah," she replied, both of them agreeing and crossing them off the list.

"Hudson?" He asked, hoping it wasn't her top name.

"We can get rid of that. I think we can get rid of Eli and Levi?" She asked, crossing them off once Alex nodded. "Carter, Mason, or Landon?"


"Alright. We have 4 names. We're ready?" She asked, looking at him before looking at her little bump.

"I think so. Truthfully, I don't know if I'll ever be completely ready.

"No one ever is," she smiled, "That's what makes it so much fun,"

GraceWhere stories live. Discover now