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"So where is the next race?" Grace asked as they just relaxed in the hospital room the next day.

"Richmond, Virginia. Not too far from here,"

"4 hours?" She chuckled, "That's a bit of a trek,"

"Not when we go across the country on a given day,"

"That's true," she nodded, scrolling through her phone.

"How many more weeks are you in here?" He asked, looking at the schedule to see when their baby was due to be born.

"5 more," she sighed, "I've been here for 5 weeks and I'm still sore,"

"They warned you about that after everything," Alex chuckled, kissing her head while they talked.

"I know," she sighed, "But it was for our kid so. You know I'm willing to do anything for our baby,"

"I know you are," he nodded, kissing her head one more time.

"I can't wait for him or her to arrive but I also can't wait to get the hell out of here," she chuckled, "I can't wait to sleep in my own bed,"

"This bed isn't too bad,"

"You say that now but do you honestly like sleeping alone?" She asked, only slightly joking. They'd both gotten used to sleeping together and not being alone.

"No. I miss you being there. And your annoying TV shows or whale sounds playing all night,"

"You okay them at night, don't you?" She chuckled.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't,"

"Which trashy reality show is it?" She asked, looking up at him as she tried to hold in her laughter.

"That selling sunset whatever show,"

"That's better than the Kardashians," she laughed, "But if it helps you sleep,"

"Maybe it does," he smiled, "But it'll be better when you're back at home too,"

"We're going to be getting no sleep at all though. A newborn will be in our room,"

"You're not wrong," he chuckled as her nurse knocked on the door.

"You have a few visitors. Care if I let them in?" Hannah asked, sticking her head in the room.

"Yeah," she nodded, smiling as she disappeared and Tyler came in with Reagan and Gavin.

"Hey guys," Grace grinned, hugging Reagan as she came over.

"How are you?" Reagan asked, sitting in the chair beside her bed.

"I'm good. A little sore but we're good. The baby is doing great," she smiled, rubbing her small belly gently.

"Good," she smiled, "How much longer until you can go home?"

"About 5 to 6 weeks. The doctor said the baby would most likely be in the NICU for a few days or weeks even. We'll just have to wait and see," she explained, "But we're happy as long as we have a happy and healthy baby in the long run,"

"That's good to hear," Tyler nodded, "So you'll be back next season?"

"As long as Reagan is still okay with watching our baby as well as Gavin?" Grace asked, looking to Reagan for an answer.

"Yeah," she nodded, "That's fine. Gavin will be more independent and your baby will be sleeping still halfway through the day, it'll be fine,"

"As long as you're sure," she nodded.

"I am,"

They stayed for a while and left after talking for a bit. It was back to just Alex and Grace, along with their baby.


It took a few days before Alex was able to break Grace out of the hospital for a little bit. She needed out and he figured lunch with Gavin and Malorie was just what she needed.

"So what are we doing?" Grace asked as she got in the car.

"We're going to get some lunch,"

"Oh, are we?" She asked, "Does that mean I have to put on real people clothing?"

"If you want to. I don't really care. You look great in anything,"

"And this is why I love you. I'll be ready in a few minutes," she smiled, grabbing a pair of black leggings and a long tunic that accentuated her baby bump.

She only took a few minutes to brush her hair and put it in a ponytail before changing and she was ready to go.

"You ready?" He asked, handing her the small bag she'd started using in the hospital.

"Yeah, let's go," she nodded, waddling towards the door.

They went to the car and he drove to the restaurant, parking in the front so Grace could have an easy walk.

She waddled in and soon spotted her sister sitting in a booth close to the door.

"Hey guys," she smiled, knowing they were there to see them.

"Hey, it's good to see you out," Malorie smiled as she got up and hugged her sister.

"Trust me, it's good to be out. And maybe eat some of the food that's not from the hospital cafeteria," she said as a server walked past her with some food that looked absolutely delicious.

"Alright then let's sit down before you take the food from someone else's table," he joked, both of them sitting in the chairs across from Gavin and Malorie.

"How are you feeling?" Malorie asked, smiling at her older sister.

"I'm alright, just taking it day by day," Grace nodded, "The hardest part of staying in the hospital and not going with him,"

"I bet," Malorie nodded, "But you're doing what you have to do for your child,"

"I know," she sighed, rubbing her belly as the baby kicked her.

"Does it hurt when the baby kicks?" Alex asked, looking at his wife as she rubbed her belly to try and calm the little one down.

"A little," she chuckled, "Baby likes to kick right where it hurts. It knows how to make sure I'm alert,"

"Sounds like our kid is going to be just like their mother," he chuckled. "Better than like me,"

They ordered their food and soon the conversation turned to Grace's sister and her small family.

"We've been thinking about trying. We're just nervous with his schedule being so crazy," Malorie nodded, looking at Gavin for confirmation.

"Yeah, but there will come a day," Gavin nodded, "We're all gonna have our families,"

"I can't wait,"

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