Grace was watching the cars go around the track as she worked. She made sure to keep a close eye on the 48, making sure he didn't wreck out like she was afraid of. She didn't remember much of it happening, but one second she was watching the TV, and the next, she was on the floor.

"Why am I on the floor?" She mumbled as she came to and looked up at the doctor she'd been working with for years.

"You tell me. You were fine one minute, and then the next just went down. What's going on?" He asked, sitting her up and helping her lean against the desk.

"I don't know," She sighed, "I got up and made breakfast for Alex and I and then got ready for work, and here I am. I remember turning the TVs on and getting logged in and the start of the race, but after that is all just a blur," She explained, "How long was I out?"

"Maybe a minute," He said as he got up and helped her up, "Go to room 3,"

"I'm fine, Tyler. I don't need a check-up," She sighed, crossing her arms as she swayed and grabbed onto the desk for support.

"Yeah, that says otherwise. Room 3," he told her sternly.

"Fine," She grumbled, going to the open room and sitting on the edge of the bed. She was only waiting for a few minutes, but that few minutes was full of nausea and dizziness until she ran to the trash can and ended up getting sick. "What the hell is going on with me?"

"Dizzy still?" he asked, checking boxes off on a sheet of paper, "And you're getting sick?"

"Yep," She mumbled as she rinsed her mouth out and sat back down. It wasn't more than a minute before she got sick again, and this time it was worse. Her throat already felt raw from it.

Doctor Keller got her temperature and looked slightly confused when that came back normal, but his train of thought returned to the station as he thought of his wife's pregnancy with their son.

"Grace, could you be pregnant?" he asked, looking at her as she went wide-eyed.

"I don't know. Maybe? We haven't been trying, but we haven't been...Not trying either," She said, rinsing her mouth out again as she hoped that was the end of the vomiting.

"Go get a pregnancy test. See if that's it. If it's not, I'll test you for the flu," He told her.

"Yeah," she nodded, going to find a test and taking a few before going into the bathroom. Before she could even take it, she was getting sick again, though she wasn't sure if it was nerves or whatever was making her so sick. She rinsed her mouth out again, taking a deep breath before she took the few tests and paced the room as she waited.

"I don't know if we're ready to have a kid," She sighed, stopping as the phone started to ding.

It took every ounce of courage she had left to look in the sink and see every test she took with the two pink lines.

"Shit," she sighed, going to grab the tests and throw them away besides one.

So many thoughts clouded her mind. How was she supposed to tell Alex? How were they supposed to both work in NASCAR with a child? Alex obviously couldn't have the kid with him in the car, and Grace wasn't able to work in the care center.

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