Chapter 25-Project

Start from the beginning

He nods as I slip past Jayden.


"is she your girlfriend or something? Nervous about me being alone with her?" Carter says smirking as ZZ exits the room.

"nervous?" I ask as I laugh a little. "Yeah, nervous. I mean, it's clear we've got a thing going on. And with this project, I'll be around a lot." Carter continues.

This fucker is really testing me. I take a step forward before gripping the front of Carter's shirt. "Im her brother you fucking idiot. Try some shit and see what happens to you pretty boy. " I shove him back as I hear footsteps.

"Ok, let's get started." ZZ says as she returns to the room. "Door stays open." I grit while keeping my eyes on Carter. "Yeah, ok fine. Bye Jayden." She says slowing pushing me out the room.

"I got his bitch ass." I mutter as I sit back on the couch. "What did he do?" Ryan questions as Luca continues to watch tv and Dante is sitting on his phone. "Dumbass asked if I was nervous about him trying some shit." "What?" Dante chimes in. "He's dumb as fuck." I scoffs once again.

"I offered to kill him, but nobody wants to listen to me." Luca says with a shrug. "Fucking psycho." Ryan mumbles. "Shall I start with you?" Luca turns in Ryan's direction with a deadly grin on his face.

"You know... on second though, Carter seems like a good option."Ryan says climbing over Dante to sit on the other side away from Luca. "The fuck are you doing?" Dante questions pushing Ryan as he continues to crawl over him. Me and Luca can't help but laugh.



I hear Ria laugh for the millionth time since her and Conrad or whatever the fuck his name is have been here and it irritates the shit out of me. Jayden, Ryan, and Luca left a little while ago leaving just the 3 of us here.

"Do you want something to drink?" Zaria ask Carter as they exit her room. "Some water please." He responds sitting on the couch. "So what you up to Dante? Nobody to beat up?" He says clearly trying to annoy me. "You volunteering? If not I suggest you shut the fuck up." I grumble.

"Here's your water. Let's take a break for a minute." Zaria sits on the couch and I notice Carter shifting closer to her. I stand, and pull Zaria off the couch. "Move, I like this seat better." I say blankly before sitting down in between the two.

"Rude much?!" She says taking a sip of her drink. I ignore her and go back on my phone. "So, Zaria. You got a boyfriend?" Carter ask and I feel myself tense. "I don't... I don't really have the best luck with relationships." She says with a nervous laugh.

"Let me take you out sometime. You're new to the area still, I can show you a few spots." He says standing from the couch and once again moving towards Zaria.

Don't kill him. Don't kill him.Don't kill him. "Um, I- I- don't know. Let's just focus on the project for now." She responds shifting away from him. "Alright... after?" He pushes. This dick can't take a hint.

"Maybe, I'm actually kind of tired. Maybe we should call it a night? We got more than enough done." She says standing from the couch. "Right.. I'll see you in class tomorrow." I look up from my phone and see the fucker smirking at me. Cocky bastard.

"Y-yeah, I'll see you tomorrow. Zaria walks him to the door before saying her goodbyes and closing in back. She turns and looks at me before sitting back on the couch.

we haven't talked much since the incident, and her helping me clean my wound. I know she has questions about what happened, but I won't drag her into shit.

"That's your type?" I speak up catching her off guard. She meets my gaze before looking back down at her hands. "Carter? No. He's a friend." She responds.

"Does he know that?" She doesn't answer. I watch as she fiddles with her fingers before I reach over and grab her hands. Stopping her motion, she raises her head and looks at me.

"Does he know, Zaria?" I ask again. "Yes Dante. Yes he does." She pulls her hands out of mine. I hum in response. "What? You don't believe me? How about blonde? Is she your type?"

I know she's talking about the girl I had at the dorm, and truth be told? She wasn't my type. I was bored.

"She's an occasional hook-up, why? Are you interested?" I tease. "Oh as if, I have taste." She stands as she speaks. "Sweetheart, if you had taste you wouldn't be entertaining Conrad." I say bluntly.

"Conrad?- you mean Carter?" "I couldn't care less what his name is." I stand in front of her and she cranes her head up to look at me. "Of course." Her eyes shift to my cheek as she lightly touches where my cut used to be. "I see those princess bandaids worked good huh? See.."

"Oh shut up." I swat her hand away and she holds her wrist like I hit her hard. "That hurt you fucking bully. Next time I'll let you bleed out." She says pushing me causing me to stumble onto the couch.

She laughs as she attempts to walk off . I grab her by the waist and pull her on top of me. We find ourselves in the familiar position. Her legs on either side of me, our faces inches apart.

My hands find her waist, and hold her in place. There's an awkward silence before she speaks. "Your eyes are pretty, can I have them?" She says causing me to make a face of confusion.

"Can you have them?" I repeat just to make sure I heard her correctly. "Can I?" She wiggles In my lap causing me to hiss. "Hold the fuck still. And no, you can't. Fucking psycho." "What's in your pocket? It's poking me." She says wiggling once again.

What the fuck am I doing?

This time, I let her waist go and push her on the floor. "Dante what the fuck!" Before she can fully get up, I stand and go into the bathroom locking the door.

"I'm going to kill you asshole!" She yells as she bangs on the bathroom door.

I look down at the tent in my pants. Fuck. I need a cold shower.


Took y'all a minute to get to 10 votes smh.... I have the next 2 chapters typed up.... I will upload them once this chapter get ATLEAST 10 votes and ATLEAST 5 comments.... Hop to it hop along


When's y'all's birthday???


Do it.



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