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Archie stared at the couple?, sitting together on a two-seatee. She was finding it hard to wrap her head around the fact that Daryian Keane appeared at Amelia Beauman's doorstep.

"What the fuck is going on here?", she finally spoke, arms crossed infront of her chest as she mugged them down. "Why are you suddenly here?. You've been in contact?"

"You didn't know?"

What an unrepentant, assed, tone.

Archie didn't bother hiding her scowl. Amelia slapped Daryian's arm softly. "What?. She is closest to you and she had no idea?"

Why did that hurt Archie?.

"Archie..", Amelia called in a quiet, cooing voice. The woman looked at her. "I didn't know how you will react if I told you"

"I get that we had a very strict business relationship but still. This is much. It's also my fault that I didn't know what was happening with you right under my nose but I'm trying to change the cold relationship we have"

Amelia's lips got tucked away. Her heart swelling at the assumption she just confirmed.

Archie snapped her head to Daryian. His whole demeanour was cocky as fuck. "How dare you?", his brows jumped. "How dare you come here?. Last time I checked, you were taking vows with another woman that wasn't Amelia whom you dated for 4 years then"

Amelia side glanced Daryian. "No..wait", he started. "Don't put it like that and make me the bad person"

"Then is the bad person Amelia?. She is the victim here!", Archie let her anger burst through. She was always calm and collected. "She was the one you were meant to marry. No. She was the bride till it was time to lift the veil, or so we were made to think. She wasn't even the one you took the vows with or put the ring on"

Amelia felt herself going back to that day, eight years ago. Her whole life crashed that day. She didn't know the little shatters could be picked.

"You still had no idea"

"I was played too alright. I would've recognised her if my drink wasn't spiked and my memories weren't manipulated", it was shameful to him that he had let his guard down. It was hard for him to say these things to people because it was his family who did that to him.

"I didn't make Innaya my bride by choice. It was Amelia that I wanted. It still is and always has been", Daryian said, staring dead into her eyes.

"Yeah. I'm sure", that was sass. "Says a married man and father, I'm sure. The birth of your daughter 7 years ago was no secret", she smiled tight-lipped. "You being with her mother after all these years can still lead to more. What will happen to our Amelia then?"

Daryian didn't want someone listing out his fears to him. He clenched his jaw, a muscle ticked. "That won't happen"

"You can't even divorce her", Archie said with a scorn. "So how are you so confident?. You are a man after all", she moved her eyes down to his jean flyer.

Daryian coughed under his breath, bringing his legs together subtly. "Are you by chance throwing me a jinx?"

"No way. How can I?", Archie smiled. Her eyes still as hardened as before. She looked at Amelia. "4pm tomorrow. See you at the airport. I will leave now", she got up. On her way, she grabbed her mug of melted cola. She would just leave with it. "My bags are already packed, in the room you gave me. Bring them tomorrow"

Before Amelia could complain, she used the door, dressed in a t-shirt, without bras, and a track pants.

Archie's plan was to stay the night and leave for the airport with Amelia but well some cocksucker cancelled it.

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