Oskar - Demon Ranch

Start from the beginning

I knew it had been a gesture of friendship, but my blush deepened as I saw Thalia smirk at me. Percy's angry look added to the awkward tension in the air. Tyson and Grover exchanged uncertain glances, unsure how to react to the sudden display of affection.

"Uh, sorry," Annabeth's voice broke through the silence, her cheeks tinted with a faint blush as she stepped back, her expression apologetic.

I chuckled lightly, attempting to ease the tension. "Quite alright," I managed, my voice slightly strained as I tried to regain my composure. "Now, shall we get going and find this Daedalus fellow?"

Annabeth nodded eagerly, her enthusiasm undiminished despite the awkward moment. Without missing a beat, she made her way down the passage, her determination evident in every step. Percy shot me one last angry glance before begrudgingly following after her, the tension between us palpable.

As I glanced over at Zoe, walking closely with Thalia, I couldn't help but notice the tightness in her eyes and the anger etched into her usually serene and determined features. Thalia, ever perceptive, cast a concerned glance in Zoe's direction, a silent question lingering between them. But Zoe's response was guarded, her walls firmly in place as she continued to march forward with determined resolve.


We finally came upon a chamber engulfed by cascading waterfalls. The floor descended into a gaping pit encircled by a slippery stone pathway. From colossal pipes on all sides, torrents of water poured, obscuring the pit's depths even when illuminated.

Briares slouched against the wall, running water over his face with multiple hands. "This pit leads straight to Tartarus," he muttered. "I should just jump in and spare you the trouble."

"Don't speak like that," Annabeth urged. "You can return to camp with us. Your expertise in battling Titans is invaluable."

"I have nothing left to offer," Briares lamented. "I have lost everything."

"What about your brothers?" Tyson interjected. "The other two must still stand strong! We can guide you to them."

Briares's expression darkened further. "They are gone. Faded away."

Tyson gazed into the pit as the waterfalls roared, tears welling in his eyes.

"What does it mean, they faded?" Percy inquired. "I thought monsters were immortal, like the gods."

"Percy," Grover spoke softly, "even immortality has limits. Sometimes... they just fade away when forgotten, losing their will to endure."

Glancing at Grover, I wondered if he thought of Pan. Recollections surfaced of Medusa recounting how her sisters had passed on, leaving her alone. Apollo mentioned Helios's disappearance last year, burdening him with the sun god's responsibilities. The idea of enduring millennia alone struck me profoundly.

Turning back to Zoe, I noticed the intensity in her eyes. I couldn't help but wonder about Zoe's perspective on her own immortality. She had traversed two millennia, finding purpose in the Hunt; she must have witnessed and experienced so much over the centuries. As I observed her thoughtful eyes, I pondered whether she had ever felt a sense of loneliness amidst her eternal existence. 

Despite having her sisters and the Hunt, what about love?

I mulled over her past encounter with Hercules. He had been callous and disrespectful, a stain on her experiences with men. 

Hercules had been a shit.  

But how could one encounter taint her view of all men? 

Yes, Hercules was despicable, but to extend that sentiment to encompass all men—every single one—seemed unfair and unjust.

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