She had looked at him when he patted her head as she uncrossed her arms and put them on his arm that was holding  onto her hair almost pushing it away but instead she just kept her hands there almost too scared to fight against .

" yes sir I do understand  but can you please let my hair go now? it's starting to hurt a bit " She used to have a life before the world ended up how it ended up . She had thought at times it might have been better to end up how her family did especially  at times like now.

He grinned as he listened to her. Amusing how easy it was to put her in place compared to the idiotic creatures in this hellish kingdom. So... stubborn and stupid thinking they are strong when they were incredibly weak.
He did let go.
" Alright then. With that I'm pleased...."
He chuckled and would sigh as he heard a butler walk in. Looking over at the butler the mood seemed to dim even more.
" Show her to her room, make sure she bathes, dresses appropriately and bring her back to me."
He ordered the servant and would look back at Leah.
" I'll see you soon in my office human.”

she had kind of slumped down a bit now as she put one of her hands on the back of her head rubbing where her hair was pulled at as she followed the butler to the room that she was now assigned to she avoided the gaze from olethros until they were out of sight . she noticed the butler didn't talk much if any at all as she just went into the room. She look around as she saw a joined bathroom she went in the bathroom and showered.

it had felt nice to have a warm shower after a while of not being able to have one she wrapped herself in a Towel and went back into her room as she saw an outfit laying on the bed she put it on shortly after drying off and left her hair damp not really caring to fully fix her hair she was shown to the office.  She gently knocked once she arrived  awaiting approval.He heard a knock and would clearly speak.
"You may come in. Just you."
He would say, as if he knew, well of course he knew it was her... A small hum and a sip of whatever was in his mug. His office was terribly organized compared to whatever anyone else would believe. Atleast...Compared to the kings reckless behavior.

He looked up from the amount of paperwork and letters he had been answering to and would grin whenever she looked over at him.
" Are you already liking the palace?"
He asked curiously, wondering if she was naive or clever. So damn curious about her. Atleast at the moment, his gaze could help but look a bit too much at her before he looked away and stopped acknowledging her whenever she began to speak. Once more. He did this to annoy her. Once she heard his command of her and only her to go into his office it did scare her a bit . She went in and looked at him listening to him speak but as soon as she started speaking she saw him look away which made her clench her fist and close her eyes to catch herself from saying something she would regret later on.

"well.." she took a deep breath then resumed speaking her fist still clenched beside her side " it's better than no place at all but do I really have to wear this? it's not a complaint its a question" She walked to a shelf and looked at the items on it she didn't touch only looked seeing as she didn't know what she was allowed to touch in this place anyways. " Mhm..."
He hummed, completely ignoring her. For fun it seemed as his eyes would now and then glance at her fisted hands. A small chuckle being held back in his throat.

" What? You look better in that compared to the horrible drapes you had before..."
He seemed to only acknowledge that part of whatever she had been saying. This time looking over at her for a moment.
She turned to look at him when e spoke about her clothes she had on before calling them horrible drapes. " yeah? and what about them was horrible? the fact that I haven't been able to wash them?"  she did start to have a snap in her voice not really liking anyone telling her how to dress.
“Ah, could you organize the books alphabetically but inverted."
He would say just to annoy her with requests soon enough. More like orders. " Ah, it's just a uniform...If you hate it that much I'll make sure to please you with more clothes if I feel like you deserve it." He said, responding to her tone almost warningly. Still, a bit playful. He enjoyed annoying her, telling her what to do and how. The way she didn't even speak respectfully was funny, and somehow once again relieving! He chuckled a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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