The Garden

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The Garden

It was turning dark and everyone was inside, dancing, and chewing on shortbread biscuits. Benjamin and Rain searched for a bench to rest on. They sat in silence for a moment. Benjamin jumped up from the bench and grabbed Rain's hand.

"Come back to London with me," Benjamin asked.

"Benjamin!" Rain laughed.

"I know I hurt you and this is much to ask so suddenly, but I love you." Benjamin said, in an impulsive manner.

"You love me?" Rain asked.

"I've loved you since we were children. I admired you. Every night, before I closed my eyes, I only thought of you." Benjamin cried, hoping for a near response.

Rain sat still on the bench. She smiled, but had no words.

"We must be heading inside." Rain stood up.

Benjamin followed Rain into the ballroom. They searched the room for Mrs. Welles and Mrs. Taylor, finding them drinking wine in the corner of the room. Rain and Mrs. Welles said their goodbyes to the Taylors before heading back to the Welles House.

When Rain and Mrs. Welles opened the door to their foyer, they went to their bedrooms that sat opposite of each other.

The next morning, Rain walked into the drawing room. Mrs. Welles was reading the Brentwood Newspaper and sipping tea.

"Good morning, mother." Rain said.

"Good morning dear." Mrs. Welles responded, setting her tea down on the table.

Rain began to walk out of the drawing room, but Mrs. Welles stopped her.

"They're leaving Brentwood dear." Mrs. Welles informed Rain.

There was a quick pause.

"He told me he loved me," Rain began.

"Do you love him?" Mrs. Welles asked, standing up from the parlor chair.

"He wants me to go to London with him," Rain continued.

"Do you love him?" Mrs. Welles asked again.

"I would be leaving you and Anne. I wouldn't know anyone in London. What would happen if he stopped loving me?" Rain stressed, walking rapidly, back and forth across the room.

"My dear! Do you love him!?" Mrs. Welles shouted.

"Yes! I love him! Since we were only children." Rain cried.

"Then go to him! Go to London if that is what pleases you." Mrs. Welles said.


"I have always been hard on you, but It was to prepare you. My only wishes were for you to marry and raise a well family. Although I hadn't expected it to be Benjamin Taylor, I couldn't imagine anyone more suitable for you." Mrs. Welles explained, holding Rain's hands in hers.

"And Anne?" Rain asked.

"She will see you before you leave," Mrs. Welles responded.

Rain hurried out of the drawing room. She opened the foyer door to find Benjamin in the rain. Benjamin's brown curly hair was soaking wet. His boots were drenched with mud and covered with grass. He looked at Rain, with water dripping off of his dark eyelashes.

"I wanted to excuse my manners for yesterday evening." Benjamin said.

"Benjamin, I love you! I want to spend the rest of my life alive with you, and only you! I couldn't imagine what I would do if you left me again. I want to go to London with you." Rain leaned into Benjamin and kissed him. Her hair got wet and the bottom of her dress was engulfed by mud.

"We leave tomorrow morning. You must begin to gather your things." Benjamin explained.

A footman entered the foyer, holding a small letter with red wax sealing it. Rain slowly unfolded the letter and a smile quickly grew on her face.

Rain began to read the letter.

Dear Rain Welles,
We would like to offer you a spot in William's Music Hall on February 4. If you accept our invitation, please write us a letter.
Thank you.

Rain hurried to the drawing room to tell Mrs. Welles the news. They danced for several minutes, holding the letter in the air.

The next morning, Mrs. Taylor called for a carriage to be sent to the Welles House. Rain began packing her things and placing them in the carriage. As she walked to the carriage, Anne was standing next to the carriage. Rain enfolded Anne in her arms. Anne began to sob, wrapping her arms around Rain. They held each other for a few minutes. Mrs. Welles came outside to the carriage. She held Rain for another few minutes. She wiped a tear off of Rain's rosy cheek. Rain smiled at Mrs. Welles and they let go of each other.

When Rain stepped in the carriage, she watched outside the window, seeing Mrs. Welles and Anne watching her. They waved at her, wishing her a safe trip.

"Send us letters!" Mrs. Welles cried.

"Good luck in London!" Anne shouted.

The carriage began to move and Rain watched outside the window until Mrs. Welles and Anne were too little to see. She rested her eyes on the window and the carriage took her to London.

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