Chapter 4; Diner

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I laid down in my bed, I simply thought. Things swirled around my head. Mainly about who would miss me if I vanished.

People at school wouldn't care, maybe Joe might. Sometimes I still think he simply feels bad for me. He is my friend just because of the sadness in my mind. Also, I still think How he might truly want to be my friend. He has never done thing to hurt me in the 2-day friendship we share. Unlike all the other people that took a step into my life. One of them would have already stabed me in the back and became best friends with my mom.

I then rembered about Ashton and took out my book. Etched across the cover of my book my was number with three letters spelling out 'Ash xx.'
I smiled at the 2 'x.'

I typed the number in my phone and texted. Scared because it was near 12am and he might not text back.

"To late for the diner?" I sent it and instantly got a reply.

"Not at all."

I quickly changed in a sweater and skinny jeans, grabbing my things and ran out the door. I walked down the dark street, my vans gliding across the pavement. The street lights dimly light the streets, making me instinctly walk a bit faster. The streets of Sydney wasn't exactly the best place to be at such late hours.

I finally reach the diner wrapped around the corner of First Sreet and Fairview. Walking in, I saw homeless men and women enjoying the 99¢ coffee with a 50¢ slice of cake. I also notice the over working college student getting the 1000 word essay finished before morning.

I scanned further to see a head of curly hair looking down at his iPhone. My hand found its way to his shoulder as he turned, frowning. My features softened as I saw the welting mark crossing his cheek. Who would do this to him? Of what I seen Ashton Is pretty tough when it comes to people getting in his face.

"Ashton," I gasp. "What is this?" I softly run my hand across it, kissing it multiple times.

He sighed and looked down. Me, being the comforting person I am, pushed myself closer to his chest and lifted his chin. Looking in his eyes I saw hurt and debate. He was most likely wondering to tell me or not.

He sighed once more, "My father beat me when I told him I was coming here." I couldn't help but gasp. He always seems so nice and fun at school, and he comes from a home like this?

I couldn't help but feel like it was my fault. I was one who texted Ashton asking about the diner. If I would have never done that, he wouldn't be in the pain. I instantly wished I could stop it, and rewind.

"I'm so sorry." I breath out.

"My life doesn't seem all so perfect now does it?" He chuckled.

Ashton's hands made there way around my waist, pulling me closer. Butterflies swarmed my stomach. My intention of the closeness was to comfort Ashton, not trying to take it further. But just saying, it was kind of cute.

I had to admit, Ashton's life seemed perfect. He always had a smile spread on his lips, a cute skip in his step, and a bubbly personality.

"Mines not all rainbow and sunshine either," I began. "My mother always tries to tell me that I need to wear dresses. She has a expectation for me, that I could never live up to." I sigh, putting my hands on his chest and rubbing up and down, making him smile.

Ashton's grip tightened on me. I giggle, oh shit. I giggled. This was an occasion that should be celebrated.

He smiled and started to tickle me as I broke into a smile and laughter. I pushed my hands to his chest backing away slightly just for him to pull me back into his chest.

I had to admit, Ashton made me feel safe inside. As if none of the things in reality meant one thing. We were in our own world and as far as we are concerned we could car less by the stares of frustrated students and bums.

Ashton pulled me in closer and whispered in my ear, "Let's get out of here?" I laughed and pulled him to the door.

We ran down the street and looked through the shop windows. As it being 1am, all the shops were closed.

Ashton ran ahead of me but stopped to admire a window. On a hanger held a dress, it was a simple dress.

I know what your thinking. 'Kyle! Your looking at a dress?' Yes I am. It was a all black dress with a lace overlay that looked absolutely stunning. I felt my back pocket and saw my 50 dollar bill. I was about to walk into the shop until I saw the closed sign.

"Kyle?" I heard Ashton yell. "There you are, I got worried."

He put his arm around my waist and smiled. "You like that?" He asked.

I snapped out of my trance and look up. "Yes, I do. But its okay, dresses aren't my thing."

He laughed and pulled me in closer. "It's okay to like a dress, Kyle." He says. "I quite like it too."

I laughed and pulled away. "The Ashton Irwin, liking a dress?" I fake shock.

"I only like it because it would look amazing on you." He flirted.

"Ashton, that's enough," I start. "We need to get home." I say.

"But I'm having such a good time!" He whined.

"We can have another good time next weekend." I smile.

"Promise?" He smiled. "Promise."

Once home I couldn't help but think over all the event and smile. Smiling is never a thing I do, but when I'm with Ashton I guess its different.

Outfit (also linked above)

Minion sweater with Greg skinny jeans and all black vans. Her hair is in a messy bun :)

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