Chapter 2; Hanging at Joe's

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I was was awaken from my slumber by the horrid beeping of the alarm clock on my night stand. As my eyes peeled open, I covered them with my hand to refrain contact with the beams of sun shining through my window.

A groan erupted from my mouth as I hit the alarm clock harshly in attempt to make the annoying beeping stop. When I finally managed to do so I rolled out of bed and zombie-walked to the bathroom.

Looking in the mirror, I couldn't help but notice the darkness under my eyes. Last night I made a bad choice of staying up late and blogging about my day. I washed my face to see if it would awaken my features. Sighing, I realized that I would have to put on some make-up. Watch mother instantly think I'm trying today.

I took out the small tube of concealer and blended it into my skin to cover the darkness. Once satisfied I ran to my room and brushed out my long hair. I threw on my Nirvana shirt and skinny jeans, to match with the outfit I put on my black vans and went to the kitchen.

"Morning, mom," I told my mom as i ate some yogurt. She looked at my face and grinned when she saw the concealer and powder covering my face. She instantly twisted her features when she look up and down on my body.

"I thought you would've developed a sense of fashion over night," she said while rolling her dark blue eyes.

Ouch. I come in and say a nice line and she replies with an insult. This is why I feel my life is such a wretched thing to go through. My verbally abusive mother, my non-supportive father, and lacking of friends. The only friends i have is my ear buds and playlist.

"Why not where that beautiful floral dress and the white sandles?" Mother asked as I threw the yogurt cup away. Was she really going to start this? It was a wonderful starter until she spoke.

"Because," I started to explain in a bit of a harsh manner. "If you haven't noticed yet, I'm not a fan of dresses. Why does it matter to you what I wear? I'm not going to be the daughter that you want me to be, mom. Im going to be who I want to be." If that won't set her straight, what will? No matter how much screaming and egging I do towards her telling her I'm not who she wants me to be never really pays off.

I pick up my Nirvana bag and leaving the house. As i was walking to the school I ran into Joe. Great. He is going to be all nice, I might snap, and I will feel guilty.

"Hey, Farland. You dont look to well." He worries.

"I would be fine if it wasn't for my stupid mom." I almost yell in anger. "Tell me." He insisted. I tried to hold it in, but knew if I didn't tell him he would nag it out of me.

I explain to Joe how I feel about my mom and how I wish she would let me be me and not a little popular cheerleader.

As we arrived to school, we walked to our class and took a seat. I talked to Joe a little longer about hanging out at his place until our converstaion got interupted by a voice asking me:

"Are we playing a matching game or something?"

I turn and see a large smile near my face. I looked up at the boy to see it was the 'small blond boy who couldn't twerk.'

"No, its just because you like to stalk me." I smirk. He lets out a cute giggle that almost made me laugh along.

"I'm Ashton." He smiled.


Not only is a popular boy talking to me, but touching me.

"Want to maybe, get some milkshakes at the diner this afternoon?" He asked nervoulsly.

I was in a daze, nearly nodding my head. Until Joe cleared his throat, I rembered hanging out at his house and instantly cringed.

"Sorry Ashton, talk to me tomorrow. I have plans after school." I frowned.

He looked down, "At least take my number."

I took his number and turned my attention to the middle aged bald man in the front.

Finally, the six hour hell came to an end. I followed Joe to his house and entered the home. It was a small humble home that had many of famlily pictures and candles. Seeing his home confirmed my thoughts of him being a family guy and caring more about his family than himself.

"Who is this lady, Joseph?"

I heard a female voice say. I turn to see a beautiful girl around the ages of 20-25. "Zoella, this is Kyle. Kyle, this is Zoella," Joe blushed. "Zoella is my sister."

I smiled at her and shook her hand. Now, don't get this twisted. The smile I am giving her is not a happy smile, it's a smile to greet the girl so I don't look like a bear that just woke from a year hibernation.

"Hello! Just to explain I'm her visiting Joe. Joe actually lives with his mate Casper Lee and his mum." Zoe said.

"I know, Zoe. I watch your YouTube channel." I blush. I had to admit, I don't wear make up and skirts. But Zoe has a talent to make a person feel happy.

"Well, I must go. Bye guys."

Joe and I hung out for so long that I ended up meeting the room mate. We all ordered some pizza and watched a couple movies. Around 12:00 AM, i decided that i didnt want to go home and get yelled at by my mother about the 'attitude' I gave her this morning, so i asked Joe to stay.

Thankfully, he said yes and leanded me some clothes along with some of Zoe's to wear to school tomorrow.

As I was falling asleep, I thought about how I'm staying at a guys house that I have only known for two days. But hey, at least my mum will be proud.


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