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"caddy!" janis clicked her fingers, the girl sitting across from them too busy scrolling through her phone to even notice janis had been talking. she had spent an entire thirty minutes talking about how everyone thought she was 'so cool' while damian looked at her like she'd spurted an extra head and janis had let her head fall against eden's shoulder, totally disinterested in cady's newfound popularity. she had yet to notice janis sat in eden's lap, eden's arms wound around her or the fact that damian had been repeatedly telling them to get a room even though she had been the one pushing for eden to just go for it with janis. "caddy!" the girls attention shot up to janis at last. "what?"

"we did it," janis told her. "regina lost her hot boyfriend, she lost her status over everyone." damian nodded. "she's hit rock bottom." cady frowned like she didn't know what the point of the conversation was. "we can stop, we're even," janis continued. "you finally don't have to talk to them anymore." she smiled at cady who's face instantly dropped. "you can finally sit with us," eden chipped in. "yes what are we getting for lunch tomorrow?" damian asked. "i was thinking dumplings but if they have pizza bagels i might get both." eden laughed. "i'm with you on that."

"i can't," cady interjected, all three of them looking at her in confusion. "you can't what?" eden asked, her stomach dropping ever so slightly. "i need one more lunch," cady replied. eden glanced at janis who had her full attention on cady. "oh," janis said finally. "ok?" cady smiled at her before going back to her phone. "shiny, hard, plastic," eden muttered under her breath. "no," janis shook her head. "no way." she didn't look convinced by her own words.

it was obvious that cady was basking in the spotlight that had been shone on her and it was obvious she'd been watching regina carefully, the clothes she was currently wearing, the 'c' initial necklace that hung off her neck - all regina george trademarks. eden pushed the thought away. cady could be popular and not be like regina, after all she wouldn't be sat in janis' garage if she was planning on turning on them, right?

eden was stood outside her homeroom the next morning, waiting for janis and damian to make an appearance. cady had already brushed past her that morning, her focus so entirely on her phone that she hadn't even realised eden was there. now eden could see cady at her seat, fixing her hair in her phones camera. she turned her head away from the girl, spotting janis and damian making their way down the corridors. the darker haired girl waved to her, damian mock throwing up at both of them. "regina's clone is already in there," she gestured inside the classroom. "she was so preoccupied with applying her lipgloss that she has already walked straight past me." janis sighed. "i mean, it's only one more lunch," she said. "she's just been spending too much time with them, she'll be fine after today."

"i hope you're right," eden sighed, damian pushing through the door to homeroom, both girls following him. miss norbury greeted all three of them as they entered, giving eden a knowing smile. "what is up with her?" janis asked. "i think she was like a little concerned for my well-being," eden grimaced. "i literally couldn't keep track of how many times she's asked me if i'm ok recently." janis dropped her bag under her table. "that's actually sweet," she said. "and also clearly favouritism."

"favouritism is the least i should get for maintaining a 95-100% in her calc class," eden said, glancing towards cady who hadn't raised her head from her phone. "hey," she tapped her nails off cady's desk to get her attention. "what are you planning to do at lunch?" janis swiftly kicked the leg of her chair. "aren't you sick of kicking my chair?" she asked. damian let out a quiet laugh from beside janis, the darker haired girl glaring at him in response. "she is not wrong," he shrugged. "oh i just have to-" she trailed off, as if considering lying instead of actually telling eden what she was going to do. "her social life isn't over until her friends are gone." eden frowned, confused on what exactly she was planning but cady had already gone back to checking herself out in her camera.

"what does that even mean?" she asked janis quietly. "how am i supposed to know?" she studied eden for a moment. "oh," she rolled her eyes. "no i did not plan this." eden wasn't even about to accuse her of planning anything else but she did want to know if ridiculing gretchen or karen had also been apart of the plan. sure, the plastics were annoying but regina was the worst of them, eden had never had any problems with gretchen or karen. in fact, karen had always been nice to everyone around her. "she's not going to be bitchy to gretchen or karen?" eden pushed. "that wasn't apart of it, right?"

"no it wasn't apart of it," janis shifted uncomfortably. "although we did get her to send herself a candy cane gram from regina so that gretchen would spill her secrets." eden sighed. "what secrets?" janis shrugged. "just that regina was cheating on aaron," she said. "like that wasn't already public knowledge," eden scoffed. the bell rang, signalling the end of homeroom. "hey, don't stress," janis said. "she won't do anything too harsh." eden raised a brow at her, pulling her bag up onto her shoulder. "i guess we'll just have to wait and see."

"i got extra pizza bagels!" damian declared, setting his lunch tray down across from janis and eden, he pushed the plate closer to eden. "celebratory pizza bagels because janis stopped being stubborn." janis scowled at him jokingly. "you are my saviour," eden told him, plucking one of the bagels from the plate. "don't defend your girlfriend from being called stubborn," janis patted her leg. "i see how it is." she bit back a small smile before her hand tightened on eden's leg. "oh!" she nodded towards regina who was pacing slowly down the cafeteria.

eden subtly turned her head to watch cady who sat up straighter once gretchen had whispered to her that regina was approaching their table. a silence had fallen over the cafeteria, everyone watching the plastics table in anticipation. "is anyone else like mildly scared of her?" eden asked quietly, her focus on cady. "come on," janis nudged her. "this is the same girl who was hiding in the bathroom like three months ago."

the conversation at the plastics table was too muffled for eden to hear, all she could do was watch the way regina stiffened at gretchen's words, cady had half turned on the bench, her attention not on regina. eden knew that would sting for regina 10x more than anything gretchen was currently saying. the plastics revolved around her, but here was cady, uninterested in anything she had to say. "you can't sit with us!" gretchen snapped, her voice bouncing off the walls of the cafeteria. "oh fuck," eden breathed out.

"these sweatpants are all that fit me right now," eden heard regina's voice raise. janis' hand was still gripping eden's leg, none of them able to tear their eyes away from what was unfolding in front of them. "well, what do you think cady?" eden had to resist the urge to scoff at how quickly cady how become the leader of that table. eden watched cady turn to face regina, the way she tilted her head ever so slightly made her want to throw up.

"i'm sorry regina," she shrugged. "rules are rules." janis' grip had loosened and when eden turned to face her, she saw the way her expression had dropped and the way she was staring at cady like everything had just clicked into place. "hey," eden nudged her. "regina deserves this." she couldn't believe the words had left her mouth after years of trying to convince janis to let her revenge plans go, yet here she was telling her regina deserved cady's treatment. as if the way cady was behaving wasn't unsettling eden too.

"take a picture losers, it'll last longer." eden turned her attention back to regina who dropped her lunch tray on the nearest table and stormed out of the cafeteria, a smug smile spread across cady's face before she turned back to karen and gretchen. "well i guess we know what she wanted that last lunch for," eden rolled her eyes, turning back to her own table. she laced her fingers through janis', the darker haired girl still looking a little taken aback. "this feels like the beginning of the end," janis muttered. eden kept her eyes off cady for the entirety of their lunch break and tried to not feel incredibly nauseous at the consequences of what they had possibly created.

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