"Yeah I'm fine "she reassures her brother before soon the safety guards lower before a staff man was shown pushing Lewis more down as he groan as under the tracks was shown as a red liquid starts dripping.

Frankie holds his camera up"dare you to uh flash them sweet sweet tities when we go through the loop"he says with a smirks as the two girls just shakes there heads annoyed.

Wendy then takes out her camera as she holds it open going to take a picture but a staff hand waves in the shot"yo! What you can't read"he says pointing out a sign saying no loose objects. No cameras.

"Oh well can I just put it in my pocket man"Kevin asked as the staff men nods his head before Kevin takes the camera putting it in his pocket while Frankie hides his in his coat.

Dani heard Kevin groan"hey what's wrong bro"she asked as Kevin pulls his head up showing it stock to a wad of gum"his hand got stuck to him on the dash board"Wendy says as dani chuckles shaking her head as Kevin flicks the gum off.

"Let's go"the staff man says before another one was shown by some buttons that control the ride as he pressed a big green one under start as the wheels start moving as the ride moves as dani smiles "here we go guys"she says to her brother and Wendy holding onto her safety guard as they all cheer not noticing leakage from under the ride.

They slowly were moving up a high hill of the ride as dani looks around as everything becomes small as they get higher just as they get to the top the chain comes to a stop before the rides slowly moves over the hill before picking up speed as they scream and cheer as wind blows rapidly through they hair as they go up and down and many twists and turns as creaking was heard.

Soon they come to the loop as they ride goes up as Frankie cheers holding his Camara out as he recorded "yeah show me your tittes!"he says loudly as they were upside down on the loop.

"Fuck off Frankie"Ashlyn says smacking the camera out of his hands falls down below before the strap wraps around the railing as it gets stuck with the camera up as the ride finishes the loop as it moves forward hitting the camera head on as it sparks before they all scream in shock when the ride becomes unstable as it rocks harshly as the leakage from before to the safety guards snaps off as dani screams when hers loosens before pulling it back down as she holds on to it she wasn't the only one everyone's was acting up as they hold them down for death life.

"What the hell is going on!"she cry's as wind blows through her hair rapidly as the ride continues forward unstable.

The front wheels of the ride were shown coming undone with sparks as they go through twist and turns with screams of fright holding on for dear life as they go through another loop. The wheels screech with sparks before something els breaks underneath as the front of the wide scratches along the tracks creaking sparks along the way before the front wheels pop off with a clank.

They come up to a high arch when all of a sudden the first few from rows of he ride unhook from the rest from they were thrown off as they scream falling to there deaths.

"Oh God!"dani crys scared out of her mind as the ride continues unstable as lewis trys to hold on as they go through a twist but ends up losing his gripp as he flys back Kevin being brave grabs his hand trying to help as lewis grabs his arm while Wendy holds down Kevin with one arm as something els breaks off followed by a spark "look out!"dani crys before ducking with the others as the piece of the ride hits lewis smacking into him as he flys back into a pole breaking his back in half as blood splatters as a piece of pole bends right in the way.

A track was shown with part broken as it rattles as the ride get closer as they go over a hill screaming before soon they were going up a loop as they were slowly down as they were now stuck upside down"fuck!"dani crys holding onto the safety guard as she fell out of her seat Ian and Erin scream doing the same to keep them from falling as others fall to there fate down below.

"Erin hang on!"Wendy screams as she used her arms to keep her from falling out her seat as Kevin did the same."I can't!"Erin cry's before she and Ian fall to there deaths.

Dani crys looking down breathing hard "dani don't you dare let go!"Kevin screams. She turns her head the best she could with tears streaming down her face you can see the fear in her eyes "I love you bro tell Mom and dad I love them"she sobs as her fingers were slowly losing her grip before she screams falling slamming her hole and into the rail busting it open and breaking her neck before smacking into the ground as blood splatters as Kevin cry's for his sister as he stares at her dead body.

"Wen help me rock it"he says with tears before soon they rock back and forth before soon the ride starts going backwards as wind blows rapidly through Wendys hair as Kevin stand up before he was cut in half by the broken pole as blood splatters on Wendy as she cry's Kevins bloody lower have was shown with his intentions as the ride continues backwards towards the broken part of the tracks a sage cry's before the wheel hits against the broken piece throwing the ride up as it falls off the tracks throwing webs out of her seat as she falls in slow motion with tears before letting out a scream as everything went black.

Visions Of Death 3Where stories live. Discover now