Chapter 16 🔞

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I excused myself from the birthday boy to rest in the third room on the pretence that I was a little drunk, even though I’d only had a single glass of cocktail. The real reason, though, was the lousy feeling that was starting to creep up on me.

This was probably the kind of feeling that I would have to get used to from now on—disappointment, heartbreak, like someone whose heart had been broken, even though we didn’t have any kind of relationship status. P'Night was ready to date anyone who was ready for him.

Why should I keep waiting for him? When tonight there was someone who could give him the kind of happiness that he wanted? I should just turn off the light and go to sleep.

Knock, knock.

Two soft knocks on the door gave me a glimmer of hope, even though I didn't know who would be coming up here at this hour. If it was P'Khao, then it was very likely because he often came to see me when he noticed something was wrong.

"Why are you hiding up here in bed?" The tall figure squeezed into my pitch-black room before reaching out to turn on the light.

"I thought you weren't coming back," I said softly.

"I told you I'd be with you tonight," P'Night said, wrapping his arms around me from behind.

"But I saw you going out with someone else."

"Are you upset?" His strong hands gripped my shoulders and turned me around so he could see my face as I answered his question.

"Am I allowed to be upset?"

"Of course. I'll make it up to you."

Damn it!

Before I could finish my sentence, his sharp nose sniffed at the air, and he gave my cheek a big kiss instead of the apology he had promised.

"You just suddenly went off with him. How was I supposed to know you'd come back?" I muttered softly.

"I was just dropping him off," P'Night explained.


"Nothing more."

"..." I remained silent in response to what he said.

"There's really nothing more to it. I dropped him off and came straight back to you," P'Night explained as if he wanted me to trust him.

"Yes, I understand," I replied softly.

"Are you still mad?" His dark eyebrows rose in question before he leaned down again, intending to coax me like he had done before.

"That's enough. I'm not mad anymore," I quickly said before he could take advantage of the situation.

My smile returned simply because my senior kept his promise. Even though there were many things that made me upset before, what can I do? Just having P'Night standing in front of me, I'm already completely defeated.

P'Night leaned back against the headboard and pulled me into his arms. His thick hands played with my arms as his eyes focused on a movie that I had left playing on the television screen.

"Do you know... P'Prem's friend?"

"Oh, P'Nat? We just met today."

"..." P'Night only tilted his head to look at me, as if he wanted to say something more, but he chose to remain silent.

"Is something wrong?"

"What did he give you to drink?"

"Well... just a cocktail."

"And did you like it?"

"I liked it. It was delicious." I answered honestly, not thinking much of it.

"You like light stuff like that?" His voice was low and deep as he asked, his hand starting to caress my skin more and more, as if challenging me.

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