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x | hold my hand

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❝so cry tonightbut don't you let go of my handyou can cry every last teari won't leave 'til i understandpromise me, just hold my hand❞

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❝so cry tonight
but don't you let go of my hand
you can cry every last tear
i won't leave 'til i understand
promise me, just hold my hand❞

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Lyra locked herself in her room for the rest of the day. She laid on her back, staring up at the slowly rotating ceiling fan as she thought over everything that happened in the last few hours.

Bellatrix had saved her life when she tried to end it. Bellatrix was the one that got her to the hospital wing, only she fled before she woke up. That explains why Narcissa and Draco were the only ones there. She thought they were the reason she was still alive.

Lyra shut her eyes, silent tears streaming out of them and into her ears. She rolled over onto her right side, being careful of her left arm, which was sore from the cuts she had made a few hours ago.

She was mad at herself. Why did she let Bellatrix of all people ruin her 6 months of progress? She'd thought she'd gotten good at resisting the urge, so why was that the first thing she decided to turn to instead of the healthy coping mechanisms Narcissa suggested for her?

She was angry at Bellatrix. If she was telling the truth and actually did care about her, then why was she so awful to her? Why did she allow Lucius to bully her? Why did she team up with him to make her life miserable? Why couldn't she just be the loving big sister that Lyra's wanted her whole life?

She was numb. She finally reached a point where she felt so low that she couldn't feel anything at all.

Lyra sat up when she heard a knock on the door. She used the sleeve of her hoodie to wipe her tears away as Draco opened the door.

"Mum said to tell you dinner's ready," he said gently.

"I'm not hungry," Lyra mumbled. She hugged her knees to her chest and leaned back against the headboard.

"You have to eat, Lye." Draco stepped into the room. He sat down next to her on the bed.

Lyra exhaled slowly. "I know..."

Draco eyed the bandages peeking out from her hoodie sleeve. He scooted closer to her and took her hand comfortingly. She looked up at him, her ocean orbs swimming with tears. "I know it doesn't seem like it right now...but you're gonna be okay. Just...come downstairs for dinner. Even if you just eat a little bit, it's better than nothing."

"She saved my life, Dray," Lyra whispered, a single tear falling down her cheek when she blinked. She quickly wiped it away. "I...I don't understand why she would do that when she hates me so much."

"If she really hated you...she would've let you die." Draco gave Lyra's hand a gentle squeeze. "I think the fact that she didn't shows that she cares about you...At least a little bit."

It took a bit of convincing, but Draco eventually got Lyra to come downstairs with him for dinner. She didn't eat much – she didn't have much of an appetite – but she managed to eat a little bit of everything that was on her plate. She passed on dessert, and instead went upstairs to the balcony overlooking the gardens.

A little while later, Draco came out to sit with her. He held out a plate of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, grinning. "Blondie, I made you some Muggle cookies from a box."

Lyra couldn't help but chuckle, which made Draco's smile widen. "Do you remember when Moldy was staying with us? We made cookies from a box during the holiday break sixth year, and you spit on a cookie and gave it to him."

"My finest moment, if you ask me." Draco smirked.

"You're so lucky you weren't killed for that, Dragon." Lyra took a cookie off of the plate and took a bite. She leaned her head onto Draco's shoulder.

"He was an unwanted house guest, and he was mean to you. What did you expect me to do, welcome him with a bouquet of flowers? Shake his hand and say, 'Congratulations, you're a jackass'?" Draco leaned his head against Lyra's. "I know you're technically my aunt, but you're like my little sister, Lyra, even if you're only younger by a couple of weeks. No one, especially not that noseless snake man that was obsessed with trying to kill a child, is allowed to be mean to you."

Lyra looked up at Draco, smiling softly. "Thanks for always looking out for me, ferret."

Draco scoffed and shoved Lyra's shoulder, glaring at the girl when she laughed. "Fuck you."

"You were so cute."

"What if I turned into a ferret and bit you? That wouldn't be cute, now would it?"

"Just be grateful I turned you back into a human before Moody could embarrass you more." Lyra giggled and took another bite out of the cookie. "I could've just left you like that."

Draco rolled his eyes.

The two sat outside and watched the final rays of sunlight dip below the horizon as they ate the cookies. When they went back inside, they headed downstairs. Lyra got them two butterbeers out of the fridge. They took it to the living room, where they continued to talk and drink until sleep finally began to take over.

Narcissa came into the room to tell them to head up for bed, but they were already asleep on the couch. Lyra was curled up to Draco's side, her head on his shoulder. He had his arms wrapped around her in a protective brotherly way, his hand holding hers. She couldn't wake them; not when they looked so peaceful.

And after the events of the day, Lyra definitely needed some good sleep.

Narcissa pulled out her wand and covered them with a blanket. "Sleep well, my loves," she whispered, kissing them both on the forehead before turning off the lamp and going back upstairs.

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