"She wasn't my woman. She made herself available when..."

"Please, I'm not interested in you two. You don't have to lie. She told me you didn't want to be burdened by a child."

"Anyone's child but yours Zhan. Our child." Yibo stepped closer until there was only a span between the two of them. Zhan has nothing to back down from because the hospital table is behind him. "I need you in my life, you and Crystal..." Yibo said tenderly.

"Don't do this, Yibo." Zhan's breathless and his heart beating fast. His mind panicking about the right thing to say. "All right, I won't keep Crystal away from you. She will know you are his other father. You can have your visiting rights but don't tell lies," Zhan pushed violently Yibo and stepped towards the door. "Take your time with- your daughter. I hope you won't be there when I come back," turned the lock to get out when Yibo spoke.

"Sean baby, please, listen..." Zhan took a sharp breath and violently turned around. "W-what did you say?"

"I said listen, Why don't you listen to what I have to tell you..."

"What-did you call me?" Zhan was barely breathing.

Did he hear that?

"Zha-Sean, baby. Why?" Yibo's eyebrows met with his confused face.

"Who-Sean?" Zhan's heart was beating so fast that his question came out in a whisper.

"That's what I've called you since you were fifteen."


Yibo shrugged his shoulders. "I once had a crush with my professor at CU. He was married though. His name is Sean Zhan Sterns and he allowed us to call him Sean. I adopted the nickname for you."

Zhan's eyes started to sparkle. "And—and you—loved me?"

"Loved you since you were fifteen." Yibo's voice in its soft huskiness. "Remember the day my grandfather died?"

Zhan reluctantly nodded. How could he forget the first time he saw the grandson of the Villa owner his parents worked at.

"I have kept on loving you secretly. You were so young. I don't know how to tell you. My mind is full of how to please Qingheng-Jun. I was so busy at WQC. But I am trying to go home to Yúnshēn Bùzhīchù even without reason to go there. I wanted to see you. And I love you still and will always love you. Ain't that enough declaration?" This time, Yibo was smiling. Using the American colloquial with a twang.

"T-that-afternoon, in the library. When you-when you'

"When I made love to you..." added Yibo, impatiently waiting for Zhan's next words.

"You called me Sean..."

"Perhaps and I don't remember." Yibo held him closer. He grabbed Zhan's face and lifted him up. "But I know it was you under me. That when I buried my flesh deep inside you, I knew you were hurting..."

"That's why you said you're sorry..." Zhan's eyes were like a moonshine.

"Did I?" Yibo caressed Zhan's cheeks with the back of his hand. "But I was only sorry that I caused you pain. I wasn't sorry for branding you mine."

"I know that now." Zhan raised his hands around Yibo's neck. "And I love you, Yibo. I have always loved you and adored you."

"It was Lan Wangji you loved," Yibo teased. His hand trailed down to Zhan's neck and lower to his chest.

"Damn Lan Wangji!" Zhan grinned and quickly grabbed Yibo's hand. "We're in the hospital room!"

"So? We made it to the darkroom counter. Why not here? This is a private suite." Yibo grinned and locked the door. Then glanced at their daughter. "I doubt if Crystal will wake up. And this wall wouldn't crack, I hope." Yibo tapped the hospital wall.


He silenced Zhan's protest by crushing his mouth with his lips in a hungry kiss. Then he pushed Zhan to the wall. Zhan wanted to protest but once again lost his mind. Yibo was so wild, and he was lost.

Yibo was unsnapping Zhan's jeans when Crystal moaned. The two separated quickly, like two guilty teenagers. Both leaned against the wall and stared at their daughter who tried to get up.


"Don't-ever do that again, sweetheart," Yibo said hoarsely. Approached their daughter and kissed her on the forehead. "You could never have woken up at the wrong time."

Zhan let out a laugh. A sexy and husky laugh. Sit next to Yibo. His fingers softly trailed the muscles of Yibo's arms, evoking erotic caress, down to his thighs, almost touching the still swelling flesh beneath Yibo's blue jeans.

Yibo groaned. In anger, in frustration.

"You'll pay double for that."'said Yibo.

"I can hardly wait." Zhan's answered laughing.

THE END..........

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