0.0 - Movie Prologue - The Kidnapping

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The titles flashed up on the screen. Celeste was smirking, the git would get what he deserved at last. Dumbledore was trying not to panic. It would make everything fall apart. He was trying to think of an excuse to leave the Hall when a notice flashed up on the screen.

NOTICE: No one is allowed to leave the Hall unless you need the bathroom. I can detect your reasons for leaving the Hall. If you try and leave the Hall for the wrong reasons, you will be arrested and sent to Azkaban. Anyone arrested with be contained for the next five days while watching the movies.

Lady Hecate

The Hall was silent, ready to find out at last what happened to Celeste almost six years ago.


The Potter Household, Godric's Holllow, 10th January 1986

Peter Pettigrew appeared on the screen. In a cloud of smoke, a cloaked figure appeared. They took their hood off. Wearing half-moon spectacles, lilac floor-length robes and with a hair-tie in his beard, was Albus Dumbledore.

Minerva shot a look at Dumbledore, confused as to why he was on the screen. Meanwhile, the three Marauders were shooting looks at Pettigrew that would've killed him if was there.

He asked Pettigrew, "Have you the time-turner and sleeping potion?"


"Then let us proceed."

The unlikely duo drifted into the Potters' house, with Dumbledore casting invisibility and silence charms as they walked up the stairs. Looking into Harry's nursery, they saw the small child sleeping peacefully.

"What do we do with him?" Pettigrew questioned.

"Wait until someone calls the Ministry. We'll place him with the Dursleys then. If we take him now, it will look suspicious."

Mad-Eye smirked. He never trusted the old man and he was right not to. Rufus Scrimgeour was surveying the screen with eagle eyes. He never really liked Dumbledore.

They moved back into the downstairs living room (they have two. they're rich.) There they saw Celeste asleep on the sofa with a bowl of popcorn on her lap and the TV remote in her lap (she begged her parents to buy it for her 10th birthday.)

James smiled at the memory of her threatening their parents with pranks for the next month.

While Dumbledore placed the time-turner around her neck, Peter poured the sleeping potion down her throat. Dumbledore proceeded to cast spells on her.

"When are we sending her to, Dumbledore? And what did you just do to her?"

"1716. There was no suspicion of magic then. And I removed her magic. The only flaw with the spell is that if she returns then she will regain her magic."

"Goodbye Celeste Potter," Pettigrew whispered under his breath and Dumbledore spun the time-turner for a minute.

Celeste's body slowly faded away from the sofa, leaving no trace that she was there, apart from a bowl of popcorn and the TV remote.


Kingsley stood up and announced, "Albus Dumbledore, you are under arrest for having contact with a criminal, breaking into a house, putting Miss Potter to sleep with an illegal potion and having an illegally stole time-turner and using it to send someone back in time without them agreeing. You are no longer the Headmaster of Hogwarts. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against used in your trial with the Wizengamot. Meanwhile, until the movies end, you will be restrained. After all five days watching the movies, you will be jailed in Azkaban until your trial. Please drop your wand and put your hands behind your back."

Dumbledore dropped his wand before shooting a wandless "CRUCIO!" at Amelia who was saved by Mad-Eye who got there just in time. Tonks sneakily ran behind Dumbledore and knocked him out with an unseen, powerful stunning spell. Mad-Eye conjured some ropes and helped Tonks to tie him up. They covered his mouth and shoved him clumsily in the front left of the room, facing the screen. This way, he couldn't escape without being unseen.

Minerva had tears in her eyes. Her lifelong friend had sent one of her favourite ex-students away and then lied to her about it. Her eyes hardened and she picked up her wand, walking towards the ex-headmaster. Dumbledore had woken up by now and looked frightened of the angry look on his face. Well, now he knew what it felt like to be the Marauders after they pranked her. She pointed her wand and yelled "WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA!" The hall was confused. What was their new headmistress ('bout bloody time after Umbitch) doing?

Suddenly, she flung her wand to the left and right multiple times. Dumbledore was swung into the wall over and over again. The Ministry officials and Lady Hecate didn't do anything. They just applauded for Minnie. Although most students were clapping, some of the Gryffindors were shocked at what the man they had trusted had done. Meanwhile, the Slytherin were planning a party. Dumblewhore (oops, didn't mean to type that) had been thrown out. They actually quite liked McGonagall as a teacher. They just didn't know how to express it.

"Now," Minnie said, sitting down. "Let's watch these movies. I'd quite like to see what my goddaughter's been up to in the past. No doubt causing havoc, I know that."



I decided to change the Minister of Magic to Kingsley because he's better.

sorry but anyone who prefers scrimgeour is not a true harry potter fan

please don't be silent readers! i really like reading through some of your comments

izzy x

Celeste Potter [Pirates of the Caribbean X Harry Potter] (WTM)Where stories live. Discover now