"No," Jiseok snapped back, feeling his fingers gripping the neck of his acoustic guitar harder. "Let's play once again."

"Alright, chill..." Taehyun snorted, taking a few steps back and counting down very quietly, he set the sounds of the instruments in motion.

This time there was no comment about the way Gaon had played or sang. He sighed with relief when they made it to the end of the song which to him, felt like climbing up some mountain. A steep and snow-covered one.

However, what irritated him the most wasn't all these stops in the middle of the songs to correct the way he had done something wrongly but the way Gunil talked to him as they were having a small break during which he simply talked with Tina about what they would eat that day.

"What about chicken and rice?" He asked looking at her with his big eyes and she laughed combing her blue hair.

"Alright, sounds good. I could do that," she pointed her finger up after a second. "But you and Jooyeon are making something tomorrow, okay?"

"Noodles and some sauce?" Jiseok saw her rolling her eyes.


"Well, we aren't cooks," Gaon uttered in his defence, additionally crossing his arms on his chest. Tina in front of him started playing with the bottle of water she chugged down seconds ago because her voice was getting uncontrollably raspier with every moment she sang. "And you seem to like it a lot."

"Alright, I admit, I do." She sighed, her hands clasping on her leather trousers.

"So noodles and sauce."

"A spicy one?" Tina questioned, raising a brow at Jiseok who smiled widely in response.

"Spicy as hell," the boy replied, making Tina nod her head along to his words. The more the food burned her throat, the better.

"How about some soup?"

They heard a voice coming from behind. It was something none of them expected; Gunil with his drumsticks gripped hard in his fists appeared next to them with an awkward smile painted all over his face.

If Seungmin were here he would probably have said that it was Gunil's way of expressing concern or trying to make up with Jiseok. He would have said that Gunil did that because he had no idea how else to approach Gaon, and he could have been right because the crease of worry visible between Gunil's brows and a small smile on his lips didn't look any mean to both Tina and Jiseok... but it didn't matter.

They weren't here to talk with him, let alone reconcile! It was the last thing on Jiseok's mind. He just stared at him with fury burning in his eyes and a swift breath escaping his lips.

Seungmin would have told Jooyeon to speak to Jiseok about it; tell him that Gunil meant no harm and just wanted a happy conversation with him... that he even wanted to make friends again... of course, only if Jiseok wanted but still, it was the best if they made up... Seungmin would have done something about it. Gunil was almost certain.

Almost certain.

In fact, as this thought appeared in his head it suddenly made no sense to him. And in a snap he wasn't certain at all, not even almost certain.

A fresh memory flicked in his mind a second later.

He knew that Seungmin wouldn't have saved him now. He wouldn't even say a single word about him, and this was what Gunil was actually sure about. Seungmin wasn't going to help him out of this situation. He would never say his name again.

Not after his last message that clearly spoke of his devotion to his partner, his beloved boyfriend; Hyeongjun.

When Gunil first read that message he was wandering in the park (somehow after lying to Jungsu about taking a walk to get rid of irritating thoughts, he wanted to make his little excuse a more likely one and he started going here more than just often) he couldn't help to stand still as if becoming one with all the trees around him. As if the words of Seungmin saying a final goodbye to him were too much and caused the roots to grow from his feet instantly making it impossible for him to move. Even an inch.

coming undone! | gayeonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ