It was not like he wanted them to slow down and be awkward again. He didn't want them to slow down at all. It was just that it reminded him of their first time experimenting together.

They had fun for two weeks and it all was ruined so suddenly. They ignored each other as if they had never met before.

"What if I was wrong and giving him the second chance was a mistake?" he whispered loudly enough for Junhan to hear. The older one got up and walked towards him to face him.

"Stop this bullshit. I've seen you two together not once. I can feel free to tell you that he's the right one." The corners of his lips quivered, forming a soft smile on his face. He brought his hand up and placed it right on Jooyeon's shoulder.

"So it was a good choice?" Jooyeon tilted his head slightly to the side.

"If not the best." Junhan sighed, patting his back. His voice sounded truthfully to Jooyeon, he wanted to believe him.

What he did was not change anything about what was going on between Jiseok and him. He tried to push all his thoughts away, telling himself that what had happened was a big accident, additionally caused by someone else, not them, and that it wouldn't happen again because there was no one around to spoil it.

It was going perfectly fine as well as their bond, which seemed to tighten even more.

They spent almost all of their time together, doing many things together, although recently studying school textbooks was the most common activity. Jooyeon seemed to be so focused that he shuddered as Jiseok's voice resounded in the room.

"I ordered pizza," he announced, his hands placed between the figure of Jooyeon sitting at the table. He scanned the book he had been reading for so long and rested his chin on the top of his head.


Jiseok blew his light hair and the boy did nothing about it. He was staring blankly at the paragraphs printed on the pages under his hands and all Jiseok could hear from him was his slowed heartbeat.

"Is everything alright?" Jiseok sighed, he didn't like the plain reaction he had received. It wasn't so Jooyeon of him. "You can tell me anything."

"Nothing's wrong, I am studying." He moved the book under his fingertips and closed it with a slight bang. He turned his body so that he was facing Jiseok now. "When will it arrive?"

"In half an hour, hopefully," Jiseok responded to which Jooyeon only nodded and in a snap, he was flipping through the pages of his textbook again. "Another session?" Jiseok asked, a little irritated.

"I'm going to study until the food comes."

"Good. Then I'm gonna do so too." Jiseok rolled his eyes, Jooyeon didn't even pay attention to him very much. He was almost sure that it was because of the school and the stress but he disliked it anyway.

He liked it when he was fixated on him and only him. Not to mention that something seemed to be off about him lately and Jiseok knew that it wasn't only because he had slight problems in forgiving him completely.

Although Jooyeon told him not to think about it, he couldn't help it. It's been more than a week since he confessed to him about his struggles with forgiving it was still on his mind.

He noticed every little change in his behaviour that Jooyeon probably thought he was able to mask. Even the way they held their hands or smiled at each other. It was different, just as if he were burnt out and bored.

He had to learn what was the reason behind it no matter how long it would take him.

The food arrived and they ate, mostly in silence. Jiseok had to take advantage of the opportunity and resume their conversation now, not later when Jooyeon would remain buried in the textbook.

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