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Error had fallen into the void during a fight in Outertale. Destiny placed him in a new multiverse. Then she saw that Stitches and Blue had also ended up falling into the void. She caught them and then saw that Error and two babybones had also fallen into the void. She caught them and was panicking. That multiverse had been to similar to their old one. She decided to call some others for help.

Karma, Chaos, Luck, Feelings, and Wonder all came. They decided to put them into one of Wonder's multiverses. The multiverse was called merverse. All the sans and papyrus AUs were mers. They began working on changing the 5 to fit in. They created a new kind of mer for them. They had stingers and features like jellyfish, but also a fish like tail, tear marks, and claws and fangs. They were also bioluminescent.

(I based it off these pictures for the jellyfish part, they have the clear bits and tentacles, but also fish tail, claws, and fangs. They're also different colors

 They're also different colors

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These aren't mine, and I found them on deviantart and they were made by English-iz-funky)

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These aren't mine, and I found them on deviantart and they were made by English-iz-funky)

Error had blue tears, a blue with red and gold marks ecto jellyfish cap. His tail was dark blue with yellow and lighter blue stars, and red marks. They healed a lot of his scars, but he still had some. His tentacles/stingers(I don't know jellyfish biology) were the same blue as his strings. Blue had multiple shades of blue all across his jellyfish caps and tail. He had lighter blue stingers. Blue had pale blue tear marks. Stitches had both her eyes open now, her right eye being violet with a light blue ring. She had red, blue, and purple coloring. Her tail and tear marks started off red, then faded to purple, before ending in blue. The Sans babybones had blue and green coloration. His tears were the same. The Papyrus babybones had orange and gold coloration. His tears were yellow that faded to orange.

They carefully set the five in a nice area in the ocean. This world's ocean was differently that others, it had a variety of magical sea creatures, strange fish, and strange plants.

As the five woke up, they were startled. "Fish!" Stitches shouted in a startling manner. They all looked at themselves. "Daddy, why we look like this?" Asked the Sans babybones. Error checked the code. He told everyone that they were in a new multiverse and had been changed to fit in. The skelebros were all mers, other monsters and humans lived on land. Some hunted mers, and others studied them. They were a hybrid type of mer. They could choose to charge their stingers with poison and/or a low amount of electricity. They were immune to each others abilities for the most part. They started working on being able to swim.

After a bit, they found a nice cave that would work as a temporary home. They learned mers would live in groups. They set themselves up as a group. They found that Blue, Stitches, and Error had a sibling bond, and Error had a parent-child bond with the babybones. Since they all had alternates they changed up their names. The Sans babybones was called Null, the Papyrus babybones was called Void, Error was Lapse, Blue was Blip, and Stitches was Tangle.

It took a bit, but they settled in to their new life. They each had a preferred hunting style, with Lapse using stingers more than the others, Blip being more active, and Tangle liking to change it up. Null and Void would always stay with one of the adults. Some nights they would go and look at the stars. They hadn't encountered any other mers yet, but they didn't mind as they weren't sure how other mers would react to them.

It was night and they had all swam up to look at the stars. They all blew softly with their bioluminescence. "It's amazing that there's three moons here." Said Lapse. "Yeah, you can see the stars so clearly to." Said Tangle. "Pretty!" Chirped Null. "Pwe-tee." Agreed Void. They stared at the stars a while before diving back down into the water.

They didn't need to eat that often, but they did anyway because the kids needed to eat more often and Lapse had been underweight. They could also go long periods without sleep, but they slept every couple of days. Blip had threatened to hit them with the closet thing he could find to a slipper if they used it as an excuse to neglect themselves.

They lived this way for two months before...

A/N: Cliffhanger! Hope you enjoy. I saw some things with Error from leviathantale as a jellyfish and wanted to do a jellyfish Error mer.

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