Uniting Hearts

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this is before tbt

Viva, a spirited and determined troll princess, leaded a group of trolls through an underground tunnel, trying to escape the relentless pursuit of the Bergens. The trolls are exhausted, struggling to keep up.

Viva's eyes well up with tears as she glanced back at her fellow trolls, who are struggling to keep pace. Feeling overwhelmed, she taked a moment to catch her breath.

Clay, a kind-hearted troll, noticed Viva's distress. He approached her with a gentle smile.

"You seem troubled. Is there anything I can do to help?" Clay said softly.

Viva looked at Clay, surprised by his kindness.

"I don't even know if I can keep leading them. They're all struggling, and I feel responsible for their safety." Viva cried teary eyed.

"Leadership is not about shouldering all the burdens alone. It's about finding strength in unity and supporting one another. Let me help you." Clay said, offering a hand.

Viva hesitates for a moment, touched by Clay's offer. She nods, accepting his help.

The trolls finally reached a peaceful riverbank. They collapsed, panting and exhausted. Viva took a deep breath and addressed the struggling trolls.

"Everyone, please gather around." Viva called out.

The trolls gathered, looking weary but curious. Among them, Clay stood beside Viva.

"I know we're all tired, but we can't leave anyone behind. We're a family, and we support each other. So, if you're struggling to keep up, let us know. We'll find a way to help you." 

The trolls exchange hesitant glances, unsure about admitting their struggles. But one by one, they stepped forward, sharing their difficulties.

Viva's eyes met Clay's, grateful for his presence and support.

"Thank you for speaking up. Now, let's find solutions together."

Clay stepped forward, his voice filled with determination.

"Let's form smaller groups. Those who need a little extra support can pair up with those who can lend a hand. We'll take turns leading, making sure nobody falls behind."

The trolls seem relieved, understanding that they don't have to face the journey alone.

With renewed determination, the trolls set off once again, forming smaller groups. Each group supported and encouraged one another, ensuring no troll was left behind.

Viva led from the front, alongside Clay, their hearts connected by their shared purpose.

The trolls emerge from the underground tunnel, entering a lush forest. The sound of the Bergens faded away, replaced by the soothing melodies of nature.

Viva looks back at her fellow trolls, now filled with resilience and hope.

"We'll make it. We'll find a safe place to call home." Viva whispered.

The weary but determined trolls continued their arduous journey through the lush forest. Suddenly, a glimmer of hope appears in the distance – a sign reading "Putt Putt Golf - Welcome Home."

 Excitement and relief fill the air as the trolls quicken their pace, eager to reach their destination.

"We've made it! This will be our new home." Viva exclaimed.

The trolls cheered, their exhaustion momentarily forgotten. Viva stepped forward, feeling a mix of emotions, and turned to Clay, who stood beside her.

"Clay, you have been my guiding light throughout this journey. Your unwavering support and compassion have made all the difference. From this day forward, I name you my right-hand troll and advisor. Together, we will lead our troll family and build a thriving community here at Putt Putt Golf." 

Clay's eyes filled with pride and gratitude as he bowed before Viva.

"Thank you, Princess Viva. I am honoured to stand by your side and serve our troll community with all my heart."

The trolls cheered once again, their voices echoing through the valley. Viva and Clay, now Queen and her trusted right-hand man, shared a knowing smile, ready to embark on this new chapter together.

Months passed, and Putt Putt Golf was transformed into a bustling troll village. Colourful houses were built, laughter filled the air, and the trolls thrived in their new home. Viva, now Queen Viva, and Clay worked tirelessly, leading with compassion and wisdom, ensuring that no troll wasleft behind.

Queen Viva sat on her throne, adorned with a crown of flowers, listening attentively to her subjects' concerns. Clay stood beside her, offering guidance and support. The trolls gathered around, expressing their gratitude and admiration for their queen and her right-hand troll.

"We have come so far, my fellow trolls. Together, we have built a place of love, acceptance, and unity. Putt Putt Golf will forever be our home, a testament to the strength we found within ourselves and the power of standing together."

The trolls cheer, their voices echoing through the chambers, filling Queen Viva's heart with joy.

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