waking up and seeing them

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I started waking up and saw them. "What do you guys want from me!? Let me go!" I screamed. "Well. We're gonna introduce our selfs.. I'm Ethan" said the one with the brown curly hair. "I'm Nathan!" Said the blonde one. The blonde one is way cuter but still!! I'm getting kidnapped! "And we're gonna get pleasure out of you weather you like it or not! You will not disreslect us. You will do as we say without putting up and fight.  You will be living at our house. We won't rape you 24/7 it's once in a while. Mostly at night. If you fail to meet these expectations you will get punished" said Ethan. It didn't sound sl bad.. I don't wanna get raped at night but I don't have choice. Nathan seems like the nicer one.

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