The useless Bandu

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I started to open my eyes slowly. My vision was blurry, and I had an awful pain in my stomach. It felt bruised each time I breathed. All of my hearing was blurred. I couldn't really hear anything. I started to move my hands, and they were extremely heavy. It was hard to breathe. Each breath caused a stabbing pain in my chest. Memories of what had happened started to come back. I jumped up. Completely forgetting about the pain in my chest pain. When I stood up I almost hit the floor from all the pain.
"You dumb kid! What do you think you're doing huh? Standing up like that with that kind of injury!" I heard barely through the ringing in my ears. I looked through my blurred vision, and saw the same white haired man that was leading the charge.
"Where am I? What do you want you crazy bastard?" I am so confused. Why have they not killed me already? It seems everyone in this world wants me dead because of some cursed bloodline I know nothing of.
The man looked at me. His face stone cold, showing no signs of emotion at all.
"Where did you get the katana you're carrying kid? It looks a lot like an old friend of mine," the man said in a serious tone. I didn't know what to say. He was claiming the old man was his friend, but my mind just wouldn't allow me to trust him. I look at him with clear defiance in my eyes. My vision was slowly coming back to me.
As I looked around I started to take in my surroundings. I had fallen onto a concrete floor when I stood up, but it was extremely smooth, and looked amazing. There was a fireplace behind the man with a writing I didn't recognize carved into it. Above the fireplace there was the same painting of the war torn world, and that dragon. This man was connected to the old lady, and man in some way.
The memories of their kindness, and hospitality came back to me. Along with the gruesome death they faced, and my journey south. I looked up at the man, and made a split decision to trust him. I had no other choice. My face faced the floor as I said, "I'll tell you everything I know." The man began to help me up off of the floor. Even though he had a sharp tongue it was obvious he cared about my safety.
I began to tell the man the whole story. Everything about my walk to my favorite book store, to the reason I was walking alone to the south, and why I had the old man's sword, and bow. I had left the old man's axe on his grave. The man's face was pale, and he seemed very upset. He stood up, and closed his eyes. He then punched the smooth concrete wall next to him. I swear I felt the room shake, and blood started falling down the wall.
"What has this world come to old friend," I heard the man say with a voice filled with pain. It was obvious he was trying to keep his emotions in check. I knew at this moment he really cared for these people. I wanted to ask him about it, but my body wouldn't let me. He then sat me on top of a long dinner table that you would see in a fantasy movie inside a typical royals home. I began to look around some more.
This room was huge. At the end of the table he sat me on, there was a fireplace giving off a perfect amount of warmth and light. On each side of the table the walls were covered with torches. Illuminating the dimly lit room. A red cloth rolled down the table all the way. Hanging off of each end, with small red spots of what was obviously my blood. I began to notice something else about the man too. His ears were pointy. I was extremely curious about this detail, but I was too scared to ask.
There was a large set of doors at the opposite side of the table from me. They were large metal doors colored an eerie dark brown with large knobs, and two boards crossing each other. My blood, and vomit soaked hoodie laid next to me from the battle I had had. My chest was wrapped in blood soaked bandages, and I was covered in sweat. Every part of my body was writhing in pain. As I was about to say something to this guy the doors at the end of the table busted open, and a large man walked in.
He was around five foot seven, and looked to weigh about one hundred and sixty pounds. He had the same red colored eyes, and pointy ears as the man in front of me, but he had jet black hair parted at the middle, with a long face, aged with time. He marched into the room over to the man in front of me, and whispered something in his ear. The man then got a serious look on his face and hurried out of the room. The only people that were left in the room was now me, and the large man that had just burst in. He looks over at me, and a smile forms on his face.
"You must be the dummy hero everyone is talking about huh," he asked me in a very cheeky tone. I was honestly confused about what he was saying, and it must have shown on my face because he then began to elaborate on his what he meant. "The man who was dead to right until he was saved by an ambush. The man who instead of taking the easy way out and running while the enemies back was turned, decided to reclaim his honor by eliminating the person who had brought shame upon his honor, and mocked him! At least that is what the people are saying about you," the man's smile gets bigger, and bigger as he speaks. It looked like his face is about to rip in half. The man danced around as he described my actions.
"It's honestly a miracle you are still living kid. Several of your organs were smashed, and your bones were broken. It was honestly a miracle our mages were able to heal you. I guess that just goes to show the strength of an idiot who was born in the Bandu clan," the man laughs uncontrollably. He had a very annoying laugh. It was like a typical rich person laugh. He wore purple robes, that were covered with golden fur, and had an insignia of a wolf on the back. "Where the hell am I? I need to head South, but I can't remember the name of the town," I was so confused.
"Relax kid, no need to worry. Rest assured you are safe within the walls of Revenal. The Revenal people, and the Bandu have long since been allies in this accursed war. We will protect you, and send you back with your people when the emissary from the Bandu empire returns. Until then try, and get some rest, and build your strength. You're lucky kid," the man then exited the room causing a loud bang on the door. As I sat on the table I felt myself needing to use the restroom so I decided to look for a restroom. As I opened the big brown doors to leave this room, I noticed they were heavier than they looked.
Outside the door was a hallway with a purple carpet going down both sides of the hallway.  The hallway allained with the same kind of doors down all sides. Some doors were shaped differently. The door i was at was the main last door on the left side as you were walking to it. To my left was a window that was huge. It had a pointed top, and showed the outside landscapes. Looking out the window I saw a huge amount of trees that looked like they were surrounding this castle. To the left side of the window you  could easily see a river running into a lake in the far distance. It was now dark with a half moon out, and it was pouring the rain. Though through the rain at a farther distance I could make out the same mountain ranges I was looking at in that filled.
As I remembered the battle my body filled with pain, and I almost fell to the floor, but I caught myself. I the turned around, and began to wobble down the long hallway. I didn't know how to tell which room was the bathroom so I figured I would just guess. As I walked down the hallway I came across a door that I felt in my gut. I was about to realize I could not be more wrong. As I opened the I walked into a large room. To the left sat a bed that had thin purple curtains that blocked the view of the inside of the bed. The floor had a large purple rug, and standing on the rug was a pair of feet?
As I looked up slowly I saw a bit of a silky black, and green robe covering up a person's legs. As my eyes began to go farther, and farther up I began to see skin. I saw a small stomach with really slim hips, and a curvy waist. There was a small and beautiful bellybutton in what I now knew was a stomach, and when I continued to look up I saw, a black bra covering a pair of breasts that were not large, but no where near small either. As my eyes finally met with the person I was looking at I realized it was the woman who was with the white haired man yesterday carrying a trumpet.
She was absolutely gorgeous. Her nose was not pointy, and she had long brown hair. She looked to be around 25, and had a slim, but curvy body. "I-I-I'm Sorry!," the words left my mouth louder than expected. I could feel my face go red, and my heartbeat increase. She just finished putting on her robes, and walked over to me. "What is the matter you idiot?" She asked me in a really sarcastic, and rude tone. "Have you never seen a ladies body before?" She then chuckled a little. I was absolutely stunned and didn't know what to say. She had red eyes, and pointy ears. Just like everyone I saw today.
The word "bathroom," was the only word I was able to get to leave my mouth. Her face turned delicate, and she led me farther into the room where she led me into a bathroom. In the bathroom was a small toilet, and a bathtub. I guess for a world that resembles medieval Earth they still have decent hygiene. I quickly used the toilet, and wobbled out of the bathroom. I looked at the lady in embarrassment, and she gave me what was obviously a dirty look. I started to leave the room, and right before I got to the door she said in a harsh tone. "You have been nothing, but trouble, and you are gonna get us all killed."
Even though I didn't know this girl at all her words cut me deep. As the faces of the man, and woman who died while I hid popped in my mind, I realized she was correct. I turned back, and looked at her, and gave the most pain filled smile I think I ever shown anyone, and made my way back to the room with the table. In the room where I was sitting on the table,on the right side in the floor the old man's katana was propped up against the table. On a chair next to the table sat a set of robes that were similar to the ones everyone else was wearing. They were white with a dragon etched into the back. It had some writing on the front that I had never seen before, and the inside was padded with thick leather.
I put these robes on, and put my katana on my hip. I knew that I would be causing these people more trouble if I stayed, and I couldn't live with myself if anyone died protecting me. I made up my mind, and after I was fully dressed I headed out of the room. I walked hallway after hallway. Every hallway addirened with doors, and a long purple carpet. Until I finally walked into a large room with a large chandelier hanging overhead. The floor was obviously made of marble, and the walls were also made of marble. Giant paintings adorned this room. At the foot of the stairs was two large iron doors. To each side of the doors was a man holding a spear in full knight armour holding large spears.
I wobbled down the stairs to exit the doors, and the knights blocked my path with their spears. I looked up at them with fury in my eyes. "Move now!" I was so full of anger at this it just came out of my mouth. The knights looked at me, and the one to the right said, "sorry sir, but we have been instructed not to let you leave under any circumsta-," before the knight could finish his sentence the man with braided white hair stepped in front of me, and waved his hands to the knights. The went back to position, and stopped blocking the doors. He looked to me with a serious look, and gestured for me to follow him.
As we both walked outside into the night I finally realized just how huge the palace I was just in was. The crazy thing was it didn't look anything like a castle. It looked like a creepy old mansion from the outside. It had at least three floors, and was at least one hundred feet wide. When we stepped outside we were already standing on a cobblestone path. About twenty five feet ahead there was a circle that had four paths crossed with cobblestone. In the center of the circle was a water fountain with a wolf standing inside. It was carved to look like it was howling, and water was spewing from its mouth.
The man the led me down the path where we turned left at the wolf statue, and started heading toward the river. To the right of the statue was a huge town that was lit with torches, and had houses as far as the eye can see. The man looked at me, and his mouth moved almost as if he was smiling. Like he found something amusing. The man then broke the silence as we walked. "So you are the grandson of that old geezer Abdel huh?" The man seemed to be contemplating a lot of things as he said this. I was so confused. Why does this person know my grandfather?
I crossed my arms as a cold breeze blew through the night. "How do you know that name?" I didn't know what else to say. He was such an intriguing person.
The man looked at me up and down, and a playful grin that screamed he was up to no good formed on his lips. "You look just like that old geezer. It's a shame he didn't train you up like he did me." Now I'm really confused, but the man continues to talk. "Me and that old man go way back you see. All the way to the start of this new war. He fought bravely side by side with me, but we didn't know there was a traitor among us. They let it slip to the Khana that his wife was pregnant, and was gonna give birth to the nineth successor to the Bandu throne," the man kept speaking, and I was intrigued by his words.
"Of course not only on the Khana side, but even in the Bandu kingdom your older brother who was born to a mistress started planning your assassination. With you out of the way he would have full reign over the kingdom. Everyone knew he wanted to side with the Khana so nobody wanted him to success the throne, but sadly he was named king after your old man fled with you to the upper realm. A place we call Savalta," the man crossed his arms, and began to breathe heavier, and slower.
"On the day he was named king he had ordered for the murder of every Revenal in the country of Bandu. Thankfully before the massacre wiped out our people his mother decided to take his life, and then she took her own. With nobody left to take the throne of royal blood a man named Sevekh took control. His cold attitude toward the Khana, and his strategic mind played a big part of liberating the town of Demal to the north from under Khana reign," the man's fist tightened.
"I was on my way to see my old buddies who were named protectors of the realms by the forest druid, but we came across a boy being attacked. We were gonna keep moving, and not let ourselves be seen until I noticed this boy attacking with a fury and determination to greater than any I have seen in all of my battles. I decided to save this boy after all, and even when this boy was close to deaths door he was still prepared to face an army of forty charging at him. Do you know who this boy is kid?" The man smirks. We then stop in a flat open area surrounded by trees, next to the river.
"I saw something in you kid. You will be a strong ally for the Southern alliance, and I believe you can turn the battle around. Most importantly though I want you to be able to live on. I owe that old geezer of yours," the man walks some distance away from me, and leans against a large tree. "You should be healed enough. Take out that katana, and hold it in both hands. I then want you to bring it over your head, and swing it down in a straight line. So not diviate the swords path by an inch. I want you to repeat this five hundred time."
The man looked at me with a stern look, and I dared not argue with him. I began doing as he said. As I did this my arms felt as if they were gonna fall off. I finally got to four hundred ninety five strokes, and when I looked over the man was sleeping on the grass under the tree. Still I decided I was still too weak anyway, and continued the training. After five hundred swings my arms were so tired the sword fell out of my hands. "That's no good," I jumped up in the air from the sudden voice behind me. "If you drop your sword in combat it is almost certain death. Five hundred more swings," the man said seriously, and I did not want to defy him.
It has been two weeks since that night, and I have come to learn some interesting things. In this world there is fourteen continents. I am on the continent of Salvestra. I am in a country called Revenal, and to the east is the country of Bandu.
Most of the country of Revenal are born as lycans, and that explains their pointy ears, and red eyes. A long time ago a Devaltuth lied, and blamed the massacre of the citizens on the acting king at the time, and his supporters. Since then their descendants have been named cursed, and are banished from the northern lands, and not allowed in under any circumstances. The northern lands have by far the best soil, and supplies, but still the southern lands kingdoms have still been able to amass enough power to even cause fear in Bandu. The war started when the country of Khana decided to anex a piece of land of in Bandu territory. The Bandu not going to let this happen decided to launch a full invasion into the annexed land, and they reclaimed their land. Outraged the Khana launched a full war into the south. Bringing other southern nations into the fold.
I also learned the guy who has been training me is named Gonstian, and him, my grandfather who was apparently my father, and Vana, and her husband all fought in the first battles of this war. I also learned that the lady I had walked in on was named Veinnami meaning moonlight in Revenal language. She is a very harsh tongued person, but genuinely seems to care for her allies. Though she has a distain for Bandu people. Also apparently I am apparently the last person with actual Bandu blood. Therefore making me the rightful heir, but I was not interested in leading a country. Gonstian has trained me everyday, and each day the training had gotten harder, and harder. Though it had not been long, I had noticed that I was gaining a bit of muscle, and my reflexes were getting better. That day I was a bit nervous because Gonstian has told me today will be the hardest exercise of all.
As always I head to the open area next to the river, and when I got there Gonstian was waiting for me, but it was different because he had a serious look, and was holding a wooden sword. "Today will mark the last day of your training from me. If you can hit me with your sword I will enroll you in the sword mage academy, and they can show you to your true potential," the man picked up his sword, and didn't give me a chance to react before he charged me.
He swung his wooden sword towards my head, and had he not been training my reflexes, and reaction times everyday he would have with ease given me a concussion. I drew my katana, and got into position. Legs apart, but not to far apart. Holding the katana with both hand pointed infront of me. He dropped to the ground, and tried to swipe my legs, but I jumped over his kick. I swung the blunt side of my katana down, and he blocked it with his sword, and kicked me in my stomach. Knocking me back a smile appeared on his face. "You are not the same weak punk I see, but you still have a long way to go," the man dropped his sword, and put his hands in the air. "You win kid," the man said with a smile as he began to clap.
That night in the manor me and him had a feast. The cooked deer, lamb, chicken, boiled potatoes, and had bread. It was for my going away ceremony, but not just mine. Once you reach twenty five you are allowed to enter the Sword Mage academy, and guess who was also twenty five. You guessed right Veinnami. She definitely hated me with a passion, and up until this point we both did our best to avoid each other, but we both had decided to put up with each other for this celebration for Gonstian's sake. Who was also her father apparently. Small world I guess. We ate in the room with the table they patched me up on. At the table it was just me, to my left was Gonstian, across from me was Veinnami, and to her right was a familiar face. It was the big man, with the purple robes. His name was Able, and he was a merchant who traveled from country to country. He had told the Bandu emissary that I would be staying in this country as a kind of study abroad program I suppose. After we had all had our fill we had a long chat, and before long Veinnami had fallen asleep at the table.
Her father looked at me, and asked me to pack her to her room. I tried to decline, but he insisted. As I packed her to the familiar room I remembered the sight of her that day, and began to blush, but I quickly shook the memory out of my head. As I opened her door I laid her on her bed, and as I was about to leave she grabbed the sleeve of my robe, and sat up. Her voice wavering as her lips quivered she said with a soft voice. Please don't go, don't fight Patria." I felt a pain in my chest because I was already informed that Patria was her fiance who had given his life to fight against the Bandu rebellion when they massacred the Lycan people. My fists tightened, and my chest got tight. I didn't know why, but I knew I wanted to protect this girl with everything I had, so I would get stronger to support her in anyway. I gently removed her hand, and left the room. I closed her door, and headed to my room. It was a small room with a twin sized bed against the corner, and a night stand next to it. I had a bookshelf filled with books about the history of this land. As I laid in the bed I drifted off to sleep.

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