Same here :)

I can now actually act myself.

Me too. You will probably get bored of me though.

I doubt it, you sent a message to the wrong number and we are still talking so i'm pretty sure i won't :p

Funny you are!

He didn't text back after that, probably something happened. Anyways, i took deep breaths and started to calm down a little. I'm talking to Niall. Niall is talking to me. Wow this is real. I have to pinch myself first though. "Ouch." Yeah its real.

I decided to call Selena so she can actually come and see the apartment for herself. "I'm on my way." She said as she disconnected the call. I sighed and looked outside the balcony. Very nice. I went back inside and used the bathroom.

Sorry, we are talking about the album and what we are going to do. They took my phone cause I was texting to much. I don't blame them... ;)

Cheesy af!

Of course, they don't call me the funny one for nothing! ;p

That's true! I see your videos and you are the funny one!

Haha, I don't want to sound rude or anything... but can we just act like we are normal teenagers and that i'm not niall, like don't see me as niall horan... do you understand what im trying to say? i don't want to scare you off...?

I totally understand, of course. You'll be my far away friend. I won't say anything to my friends and we will just talk as normal teenagers!

I mean you can tell your friends, but use our nickname, well my nickname. Lucky Charm! ;)

I still have lucky charm as your contact name... i'll totally tell them that! I'll be like, "yeah, im talking to lucky charm!" and they will be like "who's lucky charm???" and i'll be like "someone special!!"

HAHAHA! Yes! I like that! What should your contact name be? I have you as Kayla (smiley emoji)

oooh, call me trix, like the cereal.. it'll be our code if anything

Awesome! I love that!

right me too!

Alright then trix :)

lucky charm :)

I'll text you tomorrow, i have the show in dubai tomorrow. I will be busy, but i'll text you :*

I'll wait for your text :*

As he didn't text back, I saw Selena walking inside the apartment. "SELENA!" I yelled down, she walked back. I waved at her, and she started waving. "Kayla??" She said smiling. I nodded and she quickly went inside. A minute later, she was knocking on the door.

"Sel!" I said as I opened the door. "My best friend is leaving me?!?" She said as she hugged me, then unhugged me to see the apartment. "I'm not leaving you, you are literally like a block away." I said as I closed the door. "I know but still." She said. "Besides you and Mike can come whenever you want." I said as I sat down on the couch. "I know, but ugh. It's a nice apartment. I love the stairs, really nice." She said as she sat next to me. "I like it, i think it fits me." I said. "How much?" She looked at me. "a thousand, worth it in my opinion." She nodded. "Kind of a good price. Just like our price." Sel said as she put her feet on the couch. We always do this when it's only us two. "Yeah, it is." I said as I smiled thinking about Niall. "I have to tell you something." Selena got all serious. "What is it?" I said as I looked at her. "I'm pregnant." She said. My eyes widened, I smiled and then she smiled at me. "Selena that's awesome! Have you told Mike??" Her smiles frowned a bit. "No I haven't. I'm scared of his reaction." Selena said as she took her legs off me. "Tell him, it will be for the best of you guys." I said as I reassured her. "We're going over for dinner on Friday. I'm going to tell him then." Selena looked at me. "How many weeks?" I said as I looked at her. "5 weeks, I didn't have my period and then I kept throwing up and then I went to the doctors and yeah. I'm pregnant." She said as she smiled at me. "I'm so happy! I'm going to be an aunt! How exciting! And we will go baby shopping!! It will be so cute!" I said as I hugged her, she hugged me and then started crying. "Aw Selena! Its okay!" I hold her as she was crying. "Its just, I don't know what's going to happen! College didn't accept me, my parents don't care about me, I don't know what mike is going to do about the news! What if he leaves me?" She said through sobs. "No no honey! I'm here for you! Mike will be an ass if he doesn't stay. He's not a man and you deserve better. I will be there for you. Look, you have a job. You get paid well. You will raise the baby right. I'll be there for you okay?" I said as I hugged her tight. She was nodding, controlling her tears. "Everything will be okay." I said. We separated a little and she fixed herself up. "Thanks baby girl, without you I don't know what I'd do." She said as she laughed a little. "You'll die without me." I giggled and then she hugged me. "I love you Kayla, lots." She said as she got up. "But I have to go, I go back in, in 20 minutes. I have to go eat." Selena rubbed her stomach. "Awww, eat for the two of you!" Selena smiled and then she went away.

Texting Niall Horan n.h (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now