Chapter 2

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Couple years later
Vesper's POV
"Omg, I hate our math teacher she is so annoying," Aurora said frustrated. "Yea she doesn't teach and then complains when we fail," I said. We were on our way to the 4th block and one more period until lunch thank god. Our ELA teacher is making us read Romeo and Juliet which is great since we already read it in 8th grade, since we were in English 1. I was so excited for the football game on Friday. Aurora and I are cheerleaders so we love home games. Especially the game on Friday since it's the homecoming game. Our first homecoming, eek.
"I'm so excited for the game on Friday, aren't you excited Rory?" I asked. "Yeah me too I can't wait to wear our homecoming dresses," Rory responded. We both giggled before going into are 4th block which is also our favorite teacher and our cheer coach. We spent the period talking and laughing with friends since we finished the assignment.
There times were when I wondered why my mom wanted me to go to a public school. Not because I'm too good for it or anything but sometimes the curriculum is a little too easy. In my defense my mom and and Aurora's parents have taught us stuff since we were like 5, spy stuff included.
The bell rang, and while we were going to Homeroom for lunch a guy catcalled Aurora. I was about to beat the shit out of the guy but Aurora stop me. "Vesy it's not worth the time, okay?" "Fine," I said I rolled my eyes as we walked into the cafeteria.
We sat with our normal group. Most of them were Aurora's friends. I mean I like them but I'm more introverted so I prefer to keep to myself unless it's with my teammates.
Soon lunch was over and we headed for the bus area. Now we go to Dutchfork High but we also go to a school with special courses for your major. Like anything STEM related to the Arts. I specifically am a computer science major. Rory is a fashion design major so we don't have any classes together but it's still fun. The con is I'm the only girl in my class and it's really weird at times. Some of the guys act like they have never seen a girl before or they are nerdy jerks who think they are better than everyone.
90 mins later...
I finished all my work and so I was allowed to go explore. Which means I get to help Rory with her designs. She was making our homecoming dress. She finished hers and it absolutely stunning. It was a light pink, short and had cute puffy sleeves. The one she was working on now was light purple made with tulle and bow sleeves.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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