"Oh that's cool, what do you guys have in mind?" Leanne asks.

She goes to the trunk lifting her suitcase with one hand but struggles to get it in.

"Here let me." Jey grunts lifting the bag into the trunk.

"We got- wait, who was that?" Jesse asks.

"Oh just-"

"It sounded like a guy." Stacy pops back into frame.

"He's just helping me out-"

"Wait is that Jey, Leanne Fox you naughty girl!" Stacy howls laughing.

"Stacy would you shut the hell up." Leanne scolds.

Jey looks over at Leanne amused but also confused as to what they were talking about.

"You didn't deny it, hey Jey go easy on her, don't need her sore in the morning!" Stacy shouts.

"Ok I gotta go, love you bye!" Leanne spoke fast before quickly hanging up the phone.

"What the hell was that?" Jey asks.

"Oh I don't think you really need to know." Leanne shrugs.

"My name's involved, I need to know." Jey answers.

"Ok if someone compliments you and your name is in it do you need to know why?" Leanne retorts.

"No, but-"

"Then you don't need to know about this." Quickly walking off to her side of the car she left Jey standing there confused.

"That does not count there." He follows her opening her door as she got in.

"It does." She shook her head.

"It does not," Jey says looking through the window.

"Can you not pry, please. I'm tired and my friends have given me a headache. I'm also hungry." She whines turning her head to him.

Sighing he nods, "alright, fine."

Jey didn't know what was happening but seeing that Leanne wasn't open to talking about it, he didn't wanna pry and make her close off.

So he decided to abide and get in the car. "There's snacks in the glove compartment."

He watched as she eyes lit up opening the compartment full of snacks. "When did you get all this?"

"Before the show, we don't need anymore midnight food stop and get pictures taken of us." He answers.

"Mm, smart." She nods putting a cracker in her mouth.

"You want one?" She offers.

"Yeah, just, put one in my mouth?" Turning her body to the side as Jey drove she reaches over holding a cracker close to his face.

He stuck his tongue out allowing her put the cracker on it as he pulls it in eating the snack. "Thanks."


After swallowing he kept his eyes on the road as he spoke, "so you gonna tell me how you started wrestling now?"

"Mmm, I was hoping you'd forgotten about that." She says.

"How I could I forget about you ma." He retorts.

Rolling her eyes at his statement she looks at the road as they pull to a red light.

"What? The story bad or something?" He asks.

"No, I'm just not the sharer type." She answers.

"How'd you expect people to get to know you then?" Jey asks.

"Easy, I don't." She shrugs.

"Why?" He turns to her.

"Because, no one really needs to know the person behind the character, as far as anyone's concerned I'm an actor and wrestler, it's what I'll be now and after I die." She replies.

"It'll only be that way if you make it that way. Believe it or not Leanne, but a lot of us see more than just a character." Jey tells her sincerely.

"Yeah?" Her voice was soft. The traffic light shining halfway on her face as she made eye contact with Jey.

Her eyes were dazed as she grew tired, her body relaxing into the seat, the white tang top she wore fell loosely over her chest and upper body, the baggy sweatpants loosely shaping the silhouette of her thigh.

Time felt as though it slowed between them, Jey's eyes felt like it was burning into Leanne's soul, seeing every bit of her even though she hid majority of her true self.

She felt the stare as his eyes traveled down her body, but instead of feeling uncomfortable or scared she felt more at ease. For some reason it felt as though Jey could see her even though she didn't want to be seen, and as much as it scared her to admit, sometimes she wouldn't mind letting him see.

But she knew if he did see, he'd probably run.

And if he did, she wouldn't blame him.

"Yeah, don't ever feel like you're just a product, you make the character unique not the other way around." He tells her.

"I guess," she answers, "I'll tell you the story one day, just not now."

Nodding wordlessly, Jey turns his attention back to the road as the light changed, an airy feeling was left in the car.

With Jey questioning why Leanne didn't see herself the way he did and with Leanne letting out breathes of relief, she had dodges another bullet, no one needed to know what Leanne was before wwe.

In wwe the only people that did know were Jesse and Stacy, and that was enough people for Leanne.

𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐎𝐅 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐄 -JEY USOWhere stories live. Discover now