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=Nates pov=
(Walker scobell cuz some of y'all dont read the "actors" )

I walked through Main Street at the park. I was on my way to get on the train to go to some camp my father wants me to go to. I haven't really made any contact with other kids since me and my father moved here for his job. He works for Dr Henry Wu in the lab, my dad is his assistant. My father always pushes me to try and make friends with kids that visit here that come visit at the park but I just don't want too, I know they're gonna leave one day and go back to they're home lives so what's the point?


I arrive at the train station and get on with everyone else.
After a while the train announces that it's going to camp Cretaceous. When I arrived I sighed and grabbed my suit case to start walking. Little after walking a see a red pick up behind me. I heard it starting to slow down.
I looked behind me to see 6 kids in the back.
The woman in the passenger seat rolled down the window. "Are you Nate?" She said as she looked down at her clipboard, she had an Australian accent.
"Yes." I said.
"Off to camp Cretaceous? Get in the back with the rest of the kids!." She smiled. I nodded and got in the back of the truck.
The first person I noticed was the girl with bright pink hair. She was talking to her phone. 'She must do vlogs or something' I thought. I then heard a kid puking beside me. I scooted a little over.
Everyone else looked kind of board except for this one kid that kept looking around like he was looking for something.
"Okay guys! So say your name and one thing about yourself, go!!" The girl with pink hair said and pointed to the kid that 'kept looking around'
"Oh umm im Darius, and I like dinosaurs?" He said and smiled awkwardly.
"Okay Dino nerdd." An other kid said. He rolled his eyes. The girl then pointed the phone to me.
"Oh hi im Nate, and my father works at Jurassic wo-"
"IM SORRY BUT I CANT BELIEVE ITS YOUU!!! IM A BIG FAN. OH AND IM SAMMY. I WATCH ALL OF YOUR VIDEOSSS" Sammy interrupted, she had a very southern accent.
"of coursee she gets to keep her phone because she's famous." Another girl said. Rolling her eyes.
"Rich and famous? Oh meant to be!!" A boy leaned over and took a picture with the girl with pink hair.
"If you guys don't know already im Brooklyn." She smiled and looked at me . I smiled back.
"Im Kenji, you know the rich one. My dad owns half of all this." He smirks. I rolled my eyes.
Everyone else greets their self. Like Yasmina, she does track and runs a lot. Then there's Darius he likes dinosaurs, and Ben... the one that was puking.. I can tell her doesn't wanna be here.

We finally arrive at camp and we go and claim our bunks. I could tell that something was bothering Darius but I was scared to talk to him. I haven't really talked to any kid my age in a while.


Night came and I woke up out of bed and walking in the main hallway. I saw that Darius, Brooklyn, and  Kenji were talking..
"What's going on?.." I asked.
"Oh! Dino nerd and superstar here wanna go see some dinosaurs! How do you feel about that?" Kenji asked. My eyes widened.
"Wanna join?" Brooklyn asked.
"Well I do know my way around the island I guess.." I said.
"Alright then!!! Let's go!" Kenji said.


We walked for a while and got to an enclosure.
"Umm what dinosaur did you guys say you wanted to see." I asked looking around and realizing where we are. Kenji turned around and looked annoyed.
"the compys! SHH!!" He silenced me.
"SHHHHHH" everyone turned around and shushed me. I rolled my eyes.

I kept trying to tell them that we were actually outside of RAPTOR paddock..


Hope y'all liked that chapter. I promise more action and other stuff is coming!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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