because of him...

 "You saved me for the second t-time and I keep letting you die... I know you just wanted to save me from that city... " he sobbed. "I... I withdraw my words Romania... I-I didn't mean it..." he said, and held the weak boy closer. "Don't dare to die..." he cried, and hoped the Empire will close portal before it's too late.

The winged country just stared at him, and felt his mind and heart going crazy. He did not felt those so dark insticts anymore, which had been dominitaing his mind before, he did not saw the things as he used to do, as partly like a feral creature... he could- he could clearly understand and co,prehend everything Hungary had said...

He opened his mouth too to say something, but he just could not, no words came out of his mouth, he was not able to form them...

He grabbed Hungary's hand softly and nodded with his head to him. Caotiously he lifted his lips and tried to show him that human smile- this time sincerely and not forced. 

Hungary's eyes widened, but not from horror but shock...

Did he just really understand him....?


The Empire summoned the Russian's black wings and flew from pillar to pillar for support. When he was almost by Austria-Hungary, he searched in his pocket hurriedly- looking for a specific watch like thing, that he had seen already, and which was good for closing portals.

But he was fast to reach out for the Monarchy's hand instead, who was so weak that he almost let go of the column.

"Hold on Monarchy!" he shout in Russian's voice.

Hearing his voice, the Monarchy snapped his gaze to his, his narrowed golden shining eyes, burning into his soul. However, his eyes were frighteningly empty, cold and hateful. 

 The Monarchy started to struggle against his grip, however, the Empire clapped with his wing and pulled him behind the pillar, holding him firmly. 

The Empire swiftly picked out the watch like thing of his pocket, and turned its glass circle part, which shone up in white light, and so did the portal.

As he turned and turned it, the portal got smaller and less powerful, with each passing minute loosing its glimmering aura and pull.

After the last spin of the watch, it got blindly white around them. A key formed from white light before the portal.

The Empire gritted his teeth, holding AH and spinning the watch at the same time.

The clock-hands spin in every direction in the small glass cover of the watch, turning the white levitating key before the portal the same time- as if the watch was a consol- making the key face the portal and slowly to turn- like a real key in a locket.

The portal shone up, then like a black hole- supressed the air and abruptly vanished.

The Empire exhaled in relief when the portal got finally closed and he could breath again. 

However- powerfully, he got elbowed in the stomach, when AH spun out of his holding arms and punched him acrossed the face, that he stumbled to the ground. He coughed and spit the blood that mixed with his saliva in his mouth- in reason of the punch.

The Monarchy's hair was ruffled, his face sweaty. He looked wretched, however- his eyes dangerously sprakled in golden, his wings spread all wide threatheningly.

Tiny shining stars sparkled around his head, and around his fist. The stars gathered up around his eyes, and from a cloud of stardust - they formed and formed, making two eyepatch of two flag like symboles on them, and glimmering small crowns on top.

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