Part 9: Uni

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After picking up Emily

Emily; i cant believe u forgot to pick me um from aunt and uncle's
Yn: im sorry i didnt mean to
Emily:its okay just dont do it again
Tom drops you and emily off at your house and leaves.
Emily; who is he anyway
Yn: thats Tom, one of Jayden's friends
Emily; okay
Yn: okay go get ready for bed, you have school tomorrow
Emily; okay
The Next Morning

Yn's Pov
I got up from bed and started to walk over to Emily's room to wake her up and to tell her to get ready. I head back to my room and take a shower and get dressed.

Yn's outfit

Emily's oufit

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Emily's oufit

You go downstairs to start to make breakfast for the both of u

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You go downstairs to start to make breakfast for the both of u. Emilly comes running down the stairs and sat down by the table. You made pancakes. 10 minutes later. you and Emily have finisheed eating breakfast.
Yn: Emily lets go its already 8;30 and you need to be at by 9:25
Emily: okay let me quickly grab my bag
Emily runs to the living room to grab her back bag from the couch. Emily runs out the door to the car and you unlock the car as you walk out the door.
Your car:

20 Minutes later you drop off Emily at school and start to drive to school when u see a little puppy on the side of the road in a card broad box

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20 Minutes later you drop off Emily at school and start to drive to school when u see a little puppy on the side of the road in a card broad box. how could someone do that to a little tiny puppy.

You parked your car in the uni car park and walk over to the puppy

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You parked your car in the uni car park and walk over to the puppy. As u walked up to the puppy it started to back away from you.
Yn: hey buddy, its okay
The little pup starts to walk over to u and u pick it up. You decide to call Tom to come and take the puppy and take care of it till u get back from uni later today.

Hey Tom

Hey what's up

could u come over to University of York

Sure but why

i found a little puppy on the road and i was wondering if u could come and pick it up
and take care of it till i get back for uni later today

sure ill be there in 5 minutes


You hang up and walk over to your car waiting with the little puppy in you arms. 5 minutes later, Tom arrives and he gets out of his car and he walks over to you.
Tom: hey Yn
Yn: Tom thanks so much
Tom: it's not a problem, you  should get to class before your late and I'll take the dog ti my place make sure it get taken care of and you can pick it up once u finish uni for today
Yn: Tom you are the best
Tom: see u later okay, don't cause any trouble
Yn: can't make any promises, bye Tom
Tom: bye
You give the puppy to Tom and he walks over to his car and puts the little pup on the back seat and he get into his car and drives off.
You walk into the building. You saw one of your friends walking to the same class as you.
Yn: Hey Stacy
Stacy: hey Yn, how have u been
Yn: I've been good but Emma she is just-
Stacy: I heard about that, I can't believe her
Yn: it's the fact that she did that for 2 years
Stacy: we should get to class wanna go to the park after school
Yn: I would love to but I have to head to Tom's place to pick up a puppy
Stacy: who is Tom
Yn: Tom is one of my brothers friends and business partner
Stacy: could u go with u
Yn: sure
You and Stacy walk into the classroom
Yn & Stacy: Morning Miss Dobson
Miss Dobson : morning girls, take your sits
You and Stacy sit down at the back of the classroom.
To be contiued...
Thanks for reading have a good day or night
Word count: 685

Heartbreak because of a MAFIA ( Tom Holland x Yn Crystal)Where stories live. Discover now