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After discreetly slipping out of the hall, Jay received a notification on his smartwatch. Only Kamden usually sends messages like this. Concealing himself behind a door, Jay read the message:

"A reporter is trailing you."

Alerted by Kamden's message, Jay stealthily observed to identify the pursuer. A teenage boy appeared in the corridor, and Kamden swiftly trailed him, moving silently with his long legs.

Expecting a potential confrontation, Jay anxiously watched as Kamden confronted the reporter. To Jay's surprise, instead of violence, Kamden was on the verge of kissing the reporter, who tearfully resisted. Witnessing Kamden's unexpected affection left Jay overwhelmed with jealousy.

Kamden is about to kiss the reporter and the reporter cried and Kamden is trying to convince him. THE NA KAMDEN IS CONVINCING SOMEONE.

He got jealous so bad. Jay knows that Kamden and this reporter has no relation before. He knows Kamden well. He knows everyone Kamden knows. He is Kamden's best friend and family. He is with Kamden for fifteen years. He gave up his dream and everything to stay beside and helping Kamden.

Despite confessing his feelings for Kamden, Jay knows how cold-hearted Kamden is and see him merely as a best friend and accomplice. The only thing he loves is coding and murdering.

Jay can't calm down what Kamden is so caring about someone he just met. He tried to convince himself as Kamden is just setting a trap to catch his next prey but he can't help his jealousy.

Just then, a second notification arrived:

"I'll take him to the Core Office."

Following Kamden's directive, Jay hurried to the Core Office, arriving minutes ahead through a secret elevator. Despite his rush, Jay called the Public Relations Department for the reporter's information but couldn't find it in time.

"Welcome Director Na Dubin.."

At the moment, Kamden came in quickly into Core Office and grab his keyboard and find him the reporter's curriculum vitae.

"Read it and called me if you found something suspicious"

Kamden said and rushing go to his office. Jay don't know which key did he press and automatically shared his screen to every monitors in the Core Office and showing the reporter's curriculum vitae.

He tried to fix but the reporter came in and amazed everything in the Core Office including his appearing his CV everywhere. He was acting like a kid who got first time to aquarium. Frustrated by the reporter's presence and Kamden's attention, Jay couldn't stand the thought of losing Kamden to someone new who looks so innocent like this.

"Have a seat, reporter Seok"

A Deadly Infatuation (English Translation)Where stories live. Discover now