Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

I entered one of my private properties here in Spain. It's a secluded villa that serves as one of our well-hidden hideouts. Los Royales now rests under my leadership, a responsibility passed on to me in the wake of my Mom's passing. Guided by her strength and teachings, I shoulder the responsibility, navigating alliances and rivalries in the underground world. My determination is to uphold her legacy and seek justice for her death.

In addition to this responsibility, Mom left me with more than just Los Royales. She entrusted me with all her private properties in the Philippines and Spain, and bestowed upon me the Royal Cruise Ship and Viva La Risata Furniture—testaments to her industrious spirit and dedication.

I guess I'm the favorite child?

"Buenos días, Madam." All of them bowed down to me, except for Briggs, who accompanied me here.

Briggs Revamonte is one of my most loyal men, standing by my side before, during, and after I reclaimed Los Royales from those who tried to take control of the organization after my mom's passing. I was turning thirteen when Mom died. At that time, I was so young, feeling weak and lacking the confidence needed to take charge of Los Royales.

I agreed to my Mom's right hand in leading the organization while preparing myself to be the next leader. But I discovered that she wasn't planning to hand back the organization to me, instead, she wanted it to be passed on to her one and only daughter. That's why, when I turned eighteen, the legal age, I killed her and her beloved daughter with my own hands. I also eliminated all the members of the organization who didn't agree with me being the leader. I made sure that their presence wouldn't hinder my plans for this organization.

I am no longer the weak Wynnona Snow.

At the age of eighteen, I became the mafia boss of Los Royales.

"El hombre que perdió el juego anoche en el Royal Casino ya está aquí, Madam." Billy reported to me. He's one of my foremen who takes charge of the Royal Casino.

(Translation: The man who lost the game last night at Royal Casino is already here, Madam.)

This achievement is something I am proud of. The Royal Casino stands as a testament to my own blood, a business I established without relying on my family's help or influence. From its conception to its current success, I take pride in building and shaping it through my own determination and vision.

"¿Cuánta deuda nos debe?" I asked as I went straight to my chair, the one reserved exclusively for me.

(Translation: How much debt does he owe us?)

"Debe veinte millones de euros, Madam." Tila nag-igting ang tainga ko sa narinig.

(Translation: He owes twenty million euros, Madam.)

That's equivalent to 1.2 billion pesos in the Philippines.

I gave Billy a deadly stare, and my eyes silently questioning him why he allowed it to happen. Kita ko ang paglunok niya dahil doon.

"Después de perder todas sus fichas, pensé que se iba a ir, pero en cambio, solicitó más fichas como parte de su deuda. But he confidently assured the person assisting him that he would win the next game."

(Translation: After losing all his tokens, I thought he was going to leave, but instead, he requested more tokens as part of his debt.)

"¿Quién le ayudó después de ti?" I asked while checking to this man's profile. He's not a VIP or a big client, and just a new member trying his luck in my casino.

(Translation: Who assisted him after you?)

"He's new on my team, Madam. On his behalf, I apologize for the trouble he caused." Yumuko pa si Billy.

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