chapter 1

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"All of you are in your last semester. Everyone would be working towards finishing an app that you believe could be useful in your day-to-day life. An app that you wished existed,

"an app that would flourish your way into graduating."

Wynter Choi, more known as West, yawned. Can't this be done already

She kept doodling in her notebook - well, not exactly empty, but mostly filled with random scribbles. Notes? Not really.


"Kira Lee"

Murmurs started swirling behind her, so she looked up. Her gaze landed on the person in front, decked out in a pink fluffy thing and a barely-there crop top.

"..and Wynter Choi. Where's Wynter Choi?


you will be partnered with Kira."

fuck this shit

Kira glanced at this 'i don't know identity' looking up and down while chewing her already tasteless gum and rolled her eyes.

West glared back and raised her middle finger. "fuck this bitch already" she whispered to herself.


The professor's announcement left Wynter fuming. She couldn't believe her luck. Out of all the people in the class, she had to be partnered with Kira Lee - the embodiment of everything she found annoying and superficial.

Kira, seemingly unfazed, turned around and shot West a smug smile. "Looks like we're going to be besties," she said with a sarcastic tone, blowing a bubble with her gum.

West clenched her fists under the table, muttering curses under her breath. She wasn't particularly fond of group projects, let alone being paired with someone who seemed to be the complete opposite of her. Kira was the girl who always had the latest fashion trends, surrounded by an entourage of giggling friends, while West preferred the solitude of her own thoughts and a wardrobe consisting mainly of comfortable hoodies and worn-out sneakers.

As the class continued, the professor went into the details of the semester-long project. The assignment was clear - each pair had to conceive, design, and develop a mobile application that addressed a real-world problem. The stakes were high; the success of this project would significantly impact their final grades.

Wynter tried to focus on the task at hand, but her mind kept wandering back to the unfortunate partnership. Kira, on the other hand, seemed to be completely unbothered, already engrossed in scrolling through her phone, occasionally glancing over at West with an amused expression.

The professor dismissed the class, reminding everyone to meet with their partners outside of class hours to discuss project details. As the students shuffled out, Kira stood up and sauntered over to West, her heels clicking against the classroom floor.

"So, partner, when do you want to meet up?" Kira asked, twirling a strand of her perfectly styled hair.

West sighed, trying to contain her frustration. "I don't know, whenever. Let's get this over with."

Kira smirked, clearly enjoying the discomfort she was causing. "Great!! I'll text you the details. This is going to be so much fun."

As Kira walked away, West couldn't shake the feeling that this project was going to be a lot more challenging than she initially thought

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⏰ Última actualización: Jan 27 ⏰

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