chapter 2 | New Place

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(𝐏𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐯)

The date was October 1st, pretty sure. I walked up to this new town. Since I moved, I was on my way to the new school, as I noticing my outfit was slightly change and different from the other students but I didn't cared. I walked to the principal office to get my schedule and my class. the principal was insisting that I should get introduced in my class, I rolled my eyes. Before we started she had to check and asked.

"You're phoebe atwell right?" She asked and I nodded my head. And she smiled.

when she was writing something in her computer I got bored, I looked out the window from the office and seeing some strange kid walking in the hallway, he was getting bullied, I rolled my eyes, he had blue eyes and brown hair and it was styled weird. His style outfit was werid aswell. The principal window was so large it was leading from the hallway into the entrance. That kid was walking out of school apparently? Then some girl bumped into him calling him some name. I couldn't hear what it was since I wasn't outside. Then some girl walked up to him, I thought she was gonna bully Him too but she didn't. She smiled and said hello to him. Her hair was wavy blonde and her eyes were brown. She was wearing a dress not fancy one and a heels. She looked very pretty, I couldn't explained her face more since she turned around but did she was pretty. I wasn't paying attention to the principal until she called my name.

"Phoebe? You hear me?" She asked , I turned around from the window and looked back at her nodded as she gave me a paper that my schedule was written on it.

"Now follow me, to the class" she said as I could hear the bell rings. I nodded again, I was trying to make good first impression to her even though I didn't cared much. I got up from my seat and followed her to the class until we finally arrived.

I walked into the classroom with the principal and some other guy wearing a costume joined us. The teacher called to stop studying for a minute and all the eyes were on me. I rolled my eyes but no one could see it since I was wearing sunglasses. I didnt wanted anyone to give me attention. As the principal was talking I was scanning the classmates. I noticed the kid that was bullied from before, he was sitting there. And on another side I saw the blonde girl that was nice to him. Until the principal called me

"Phoebe, why won't you tell us 3 things about yourself?" She asked me. I figured there was no chance to say no to it so I just moved along with it.

"Well?"  I said and I walked a step further.

"I think snakes are the most misunderstood rebuttals" I said and I didn't cared if it sounded weird.  I continued,

"My favourite movie vacillates between Deliverance, or anything  By Rob Reiner" I added, I noticed everyone were staring at me. I didnt wanted to get attention,I wanted them to leave me alone so I got an idea and said.

"And I'm late" the principal chuckled and said,

"What are you talking about? You're right on time" she laughed and mentioned. I cut her off and said

"Oh no, miss principal Highbridge my period" I chuckled and everyone went silent or looked away, I noticed the blonde girl looking aside, she looked like she was holding back her laugh, I took of my sunglasses and looked aside and then looked back at everyone.

"I'm 9 days late." I added, that made everyone to think I'm pregnant. Great now they will leave me alone.

The principal was absolutely shocked. "Oh!"

I kept wanting to talk , I loved that I could just say anything so I just added "and looking at all, of your beautiful faces I... I'm just so overcome with optimism for our future." I said sarcastically.

I added one last thing and putted hand on my neck,
"I just wanna fucking scream," I said and then I just screamed at everyone. Everyone were pretty shocked.

I stopped screaming one minute after and chuckled , walked further and saw a ginger boy, eating a yogurt

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I stopped screaming one minute after and chuckled , walked further and saw a ginger boy, eating a yogurt. I reached down to him since e was sitting and told him.

"Hey ginger, move your ass and leave the yogurt" I nodded my head as he got up and left, I got his em seat and a yogurt for free, I just ignored everyone and ate the yogurt, although I was hoping the blonde girl looked at me. I didn't knew why I wanted it.


Okkk so here we go!! Started with showing phoebes pov from that scene, I will add Melanie's pov aswell.
I have to admit it was enjoyable writing that scene.

Please vote and comment on this part, I'd really appreciate it.

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