Chapter 13 || Coming Too Far

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TW : Blood, Gore, language

This chapter is kinda brutal, I gotta admit, I'm kinda surprised I even had the urge to write that this way😭 anyway I hope you'd like it.

(Melanie's POV)

Me and John found some boat, we followed the sea, until I glanced with my eyes some boat near some dock, it seem like someone just dropped by there, I looked up that mountain, I noticed some cabin.  That where they're hiding.

"There. They're there." I said to John and he sighed and nodded

"Uhh.. what's wrong?" I asked him, I couldn't loose another person in this mission.

"Just that, ya see, every time a person go near Cole, they're rest in peace's." He said to me, he wasn't wrong. But I knew I was wiser and stronger than all of those who died.

"Well I brought you until here didnt I? Now the plan is to wait." I said as we arrived to that dock down that cabin, as I said it I took out my phone, not the cellphone one and called Cole's dad to see when he comes.

"Wait?! The plan is to wait? Wait until I turn into ashes?" He said to me and yells a bit.

"Stick with me John, future females" I said confidently to him and smirked, bet that could shut him up for a while.

"Tf does that means.." he mumbled to himself, and then, me and him just waited for Cole's dad to come.
I have to get my plan to work.

After a while, John glanced a car with his eyes and popped on my shoulder so I'd see it too, then I smirked , it was him.. oh shit.. and my dad too? This one person, I hate so much.. my dad was always such a jerk and such a piece of shit. I just had to put my emotions away for now, I pretend as if I'm sad, and confused as they both walked out of the car

"Look uh- Cole turned crazy.. he started to accuse me and said I was a killer or something like that, I think he imagines those things again.." I told in a sad tone, hoped Cole's dad would buy it, fortunately he did

"Oh god, alright thank you Mel, for telling me, I'll go handle it." He said.

I needed to keep looking innocent, I was think for myself. "I'll stay here, wait for you guys here, , it would be for the best." I said , in an innocent tone and he nodded and they all walked to this cabin.
I waited patiently for the right moment.

After a while I heard some loud noises, pretty sure it was the right moment, I walked into the cabin and saw Cole and.. and phoebe.. standing right in front of me, I had to keep acting all innocent and not involved my emotions into this- I. Don't even know what emotions..

"Cole! You're scaring me!" I said innocently, he lifted a knife toward me and told me to back off, and both phoebe and Cole starts to accuse me of also being in the cult, I panicked so hard inside, when they said it I glanced John's dead body, it's only me left and I can't fail. I can't. I panicked with my life that everything will fall apart, but fortunately Cole's dad and mine didn't seem to believe them.
Then suddenly, phoebe threw her knife at me, I caught it of course, but for some reason I felt some pain in my heart, even if I was even hurt from the knife.

"Nice catch baby girl!" My dad said proudly and I rolled my eyes. Unfortunately when he said it Cole and phoebe took their opportunity and ran away from the cabin and Cole's dad followed them.

I was walking my way to chase after them but suddenly I felt my dad's hand grabbing me away.

"Let go of Me!" I yelled at him. There is really no way he's gonna ruin my plan. I got to do everything to win.

"No! Not enough that you stole my car now this? We are out of here and-"  he yelled back but
Before  he could finish I chopped off his arm with the knife I caught from phoebe..

He yelled in pain as what left from his hand is bleeding out like waterfall.

"God you're grounded!" He yelled and I had enough.
He was wasting my time.

Besides, I always hated my dad. He never cared for me anyway. I bet he only came with Cole's dad to take his car back.. I wanted to win this so..

I chopped off his other arm and then stabbed him to death in hushed stomach, I could felt the betrayal in his face as I glanced  at him a glare, one last eye contact with him before he fell on the floor to death.

I sighed and walked away, after them.


Sore this one was kinda short, but I really hope you enjoyed this one🫶🫶
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