People, People, People

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The next day, I grogily woke up. I slowly got up and got into my travel bag I snagged from the train before I fled. I got my shirt, a maroon colored shirt with slightly darker stripes, dark everyday pants, my gun belt, got my personally styled boots on, then grabbed my black Gambler’s hat. I fixed up my hair, it being a light blonde color, a little longer than my shoulders and tied half up and half down. My slight stubble on my face was a darker blonde as my eyebrows were. They often furrowed and grimiced along with the rest of my face. I walked out and headed to the saloon like most outlaws and cowboys do. I ordered a whiskey and the bartender started up conversation even though I don’t want it.
“Say, are you with the new group of boys here?”
“The what? No, I ride solo sir…” I responded, feeling a few pairs of eyes landing on me. I turned to face the tables, still leaning on the bar. I noticed a dark skinned man and a tan skinned man, sharing looks to each other and whispering before glancing back at me. The dark one looked muscular and tall, the other slender and sleek looking. I nodded in acknowledgement, wanting to see their reaction. They nodded back, then they whispered to one another more, raising my suspicions. Two saloon girls walked up to the men and started doing their flirty helpless-girl act, and obviously the two swooned. I rolled my eyes, finished my whiskey shot and looked out and about in the town, the sun not even being up that high yet, probably around eight o’clock. Damn, I’m pathetic.


Whoo! Three parts and one night! I hope this gets some traction and I start getting more activity in here! Love you, see you later!

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