Till Death

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I don't want to get married.
But i do want that special type of love
The type where you know it will last The type where your souls are so bonded you could never leave each other's sides
i want to dance and sing in the kitchen with a beautiful wife on a warm summer afternoon
In our Sicilian home
windows open letting all the air in we will play soft music and cook dinner together
i want to travel the world with them conquer all our fears together
whatch corny movies on a cold winters night with warm cups of tea in hand write eachother letters and leave little written notes around full of sweet nothings for only us to read
going to the beach together at sunset with a big blanket and yummy food maybe pop open a bottle of wine and take in the veiw breathing the fresh crisp air
simply enjoying eachothers presence
i know im only young and in this generation of people im not sure ill find that type of love
but i will wait for someone to come along and show me gentle love
the type I've been reaching for
maybe someone will come along
who wants to spend every waking moment with me
who feels like they can't breathe without me
someone who would want that old type of romance
someone who will be in it till death.

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