194 11 1

I leave my parent's house feeling defeated, and at a loss of word, i get into my ride and sit silently

「 At home 」

As i enter my house thinking and praying that my husband isn't here, i make my way to the stairs with a maid behind me with my bags

I almost walk past our bedroom before i hear a "YUNHO." I close my eyes and take a deep breath as i turn around

" You can put those in my room," i said to the maid before she bowed and left. " What mingi ? " he gives me a sturn." Before you start some shit im not in the mood, "

" Even better because i didn't ask." he gives me a sly smile. i feel my blood boil every time he opens his mouth

" My parents want to come over for the party ,    " but we both agreed this was a friends-only party. " Why must you act like yourself at this time, mingi ?

"Plus, our party isn't really ' parent friendly,'" per say," i feel my eyebrows knit together. " Well... " he closes his computer not so silently

" Then we should cancel it," HUH?! " You're
joking. " he keeps his sturn look on his face. i start laughing

" Well.. this day went to shit fast, " i say under my breath,"so... are we letting my parents come or not ??"

"Mingi, we both agreed on no parents ,aunties, or even grandparents," i say, trying my best to reason with him

He just shrugged, " plans change." i could lunge over this bed and choke this shit out of you "okay"

I let out a big sigh, " Party canceled," he looked almost shocked. " What did you want an argument? " .

" My day has been too bad to come home to a crap husband," taken aback from my rude remark

He gets off our bed, walking way too close to me. To be fair, he is across the room, but anywhere around him is too close

He just walks past me. i let out the biggest sigh of relief. He's gone. i go into my own room, l, i sit at my desk wondering what to do now

As if a lightbulb went off in my head, i get up from my desk and make my way out of the house immediately, turning to go to Mr. Drivers house

"Knock knock~" i say with a big bribing smile. "What yunho-" he says, opening the door "no"  he immediately says after seeing me

"Wait, ok ? Hear me out. " he gives me a look like i can't change his mind "Sooo" i lean on the doorframe." mingi isn't too abdoment on having this whole New years party -"

" You can't hold it here." "Huh??!!" I let out a laugh." no there a girl under 10 in there. im not risking it. " So why are you here today ? " he gives me a confused look

"ineedyoutobookaplaceANDnotletmingifindout," i say, putting on a smile afterward. " That's probably worse than what i said,"

" I'd rather you genuinely just throw it here," He says, showing his house with toddler toys everywhere and the owner of the toys on the couch

I give him a "really?" Look as i look between him and the house he just gives me a crooked smile."y-" he hesitates before he answers

I tilt my head, waiting for the answer. " I'll just find you one." we give each other both menacing smiles before he closes the door on me

I feel very proud of myself for coming up with a compromise. Angry that mingi for his dumb & irrational decision

• Mingis p.o.v hours earlier•
[By "hours earlier," i mean when yunho was still at the mall ]

I hear my phone keep buzzing over and over and over again, ignoring the notifications to focus on work

I almost shut my phone off before i get a call from the bank. " This is [bank name] informing you that there are extensive purchases being  made on your card. Can you confirm it's you?"

I let a soft chuckle at the thought of yunho spending so much money "yes my husband has my card right now, so please leave it open."

"He has the card, which means he's the owner for that time being," i said, setting the record straight "ok Mrs. mingi, thank you for confirming it. "

I hummed before hanging up before i put my phone down. i was immediately interrupted by a buzz from my secretary

"Mingi, why is -" " i didn't know we were on normal speaking terms."Oh, cut the bullshit mingi. Why is there almost 10grand out of your account?"

" Mrs. Mingi, thank you very much. "I'll call you that when you answer my question. " " Because he's my husband and my husband, he gets what he wants. What's so difficult about that? "

" Does he not have an allowance that almost 10 grand?"It was an agreement & also if his money isn't going to a strip club or some sketchy place it isn't our business? "

The other line went silent, and i just hung up. i checked my bank account to see his purchases, and it just looks like things for the party

I thought of a way to annoy him since he's the reason i got distracted from my work

My parents asked me this morning if we were holding a party. I lied and said no, but what if i teased him about it a little

BUT im not forcing you to follow me, but if you feel I'm taking long to update this story, look at my boardthingy cause I do , do updates a what not there - Mel 🌹 

Narcissistic Marriage ★YUNGI★ Where stories live. Discover now