Chapter two

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Olivia's POV
I was just standing there staring at him.. An I really seeing this right.. Is he really here standing in front of me..
"Liv" he said
"El" is all I can manage to get out.. I ran into his arms and hugged him tight. I pulled away and looked into the ocean blue eyes and slap him across the face .. I turned around and walked madly into my office I slammed the door behind me walked over to my desk ,sat down and put my head in my hands ..
Did I really just do that .. I just slapped him ..

Elliot's POV
Did that really just happen..?? It was like at one moment she was happy so see me then the next the didn't want to see me.. I really missed her so much and she has every right to be mad or upset with me .. & that's why I'm here right now to is to explain to her why I left and that I never meant to hurt her..
I was walking toward her office but I was stopped by fin's voice
"Elliot Stabler, is that really you."
"Umm yeah man it's me"
"What brings you here.?"
"Well I came here to make things right with Liv "
"Ohh I see, did she slap you, ?"fin asked noticing the red had print on my face
"Umm yeah she did"
"Well you just gotta give her some time , when you left it hit her hard ."
"Yeah I see, there is a lot of changes around here"
"Yeah umm this is Nick Amaro , and this is Amanda Rollins." Fin said walking over to the two and points to each of the "guys this is Elliot Stabler."
"Hello it's finally nice to meet you"Amanda said shaking my hand
"I have heard a lot about you. Nice to meet you" nick said shaking me hand after
"Nice to meet you guys to, well I'm gonna go try and talk to Liv now let's just hope that she doesn't slap me again " I say walking toward her office
"Good luck.. " I hear fin yell
"Thanks I'm gonna need it "

Olivia's POV
I was standing looking out the window in my office just thinking about the events that just happen ..
Did he really think that it was Okia for him to just show up like that.. It's been 4 years !! 4 years damnit and now he wants to show up like nothing happen ...!! I was pulled out of my though when I herd a light knock on the door and then open .. I knew exactly who it was and I really didn't want to talk to him ..
"Liv "
" No Elliot you lost the right to call me that 4 years ago when u just walked out with out saying anything ..!!" I say still looking out the window now bothering to turn around
"Olivia I'm sorry , I'm so so truly sorry, I swear I never meant to hurt you , I wound never hurt you on purpose.,"
"Why Elliot , why did you leave that all I want to know"
"I couldn't take it anymore once I shot that girl my whole life feel apart .. And I couldn't face you .. I was way to discussed and disappointed with my self I could only imagine how u felt about me , I told myself that I would never put you before the job again , the first time I did and boy died and this time a teenage girl did .. I didn't shot that gun cuz I was trying to save the squad, I shot that gun cuz I though she was gonna shot you and I couldn't live with my self if u got shot so I shot her..!!" I turn around at this point
"I couldn't tell you I was leaving I knew you would have tried to talk me out of it .. I wouldn't have been able to look in those chocolate brown gorgeous eyes of yours .. But believe me I missed you everyday of those 4 years that I didn't get to see you , Liv I'm sorry "
I was in tears and I just didn't know what to say .. As I was about to say something my phone goes off.. I answer it without checking the caller ID
"Benson....Lucy is everything Okia... Omg .. How long has he need like this.. Okia Lucy call 911 I will be there as soon as possible.. Lucy calm Down ur just gonna scare him even more.. I will be meat u at the hospital make sure u call 911..!!" I hang up the phone and start to get my stuff ready forgetting about everything that was happening before that phone call till he spoke
" Liv is everything Okia , is there anything I can do to help.?"
"Umm I always need support when this happens , do you mind riding along and helping me out." i asked walking out of my office
"No of course not, anything "
"Fin it's Noah I need you to hold down the fort " I say to fin still walking to the elevator
"Of corse Liv , keep me updated "
"You got it "
We reach the elevator I was pushing the button repeatedly but this damn thing wasn't coming fast enough .. When the elevator finally came we stepped on ..
I practically ran out the precinct and jumped in my car and Elliot got into the passenger side ..
The car ride was silent until el spoke up..
"Liv, who's Noah..?"
"He's my son "
"You have a son.?"
" yeah foster son , I adopted him about a month ago"
"Wow so a lot has changed huh."
"Yeah but you would know if u didn't leave .."
"Liv, I'm sor-"
"Sorry yeah Ik everyone is these days"
We finally arrived at the hospital I park the car and ran into the hospital..
"Noah benson , can you tell me where he is"
"And you are.?" The nurse asked
"I'm his mother now can u tell me what room he's in damnit"
"Liv" elliot said putting his hand on the small of my back .. His touch instantly made my clam Down I was so relax like all my problems just disappeared but I was pulled out of my though when the nurse spoke up
"He's in room 347"
I ran down the hall followed by Elliot .. I ran until I found room 347 .. I open the door and Lucy was standing my the crib with her head down but when I open the door her head shot up
"Olivia " she looks like she have been crying
"Lucy" I walked over to her and pulled her into my arms
"I sorry I freaked out , I was so scared"
"No, these nothing to be sorry about is Okia I freaked out the first time it happen to me , how about you go home and get some sleep "
"I wanna be here for him"
"Lucy go home I will call u if anything happens "
With that Lucy left it was just me Noah and Elliot.. I walk over to the crib and pick him up and just hole him in my arms ..

Alright I wanna Change Olivia's and Elliot's age and I'm gonna go ahead and tell Yall Elliot's kids name to
Noah:11 months

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