What is life

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What is life

we are told what life is from the beginning

the beginning

when our moms are happy and taking videos of us doing tricks

when we take our first steps to our first words

they tell us we can be whatever we want

but is that true

The truth is we can't be whatever we what

They soon start to tell us that there is right or wrong

True or false

Black or white

They say life is one road

The world teaches us that we must go to school


Then go to to college and work till we die

And if we don't then you are a disgrace

A disgrace

Your family is shamed

You are an outcast

And people don't like you

Is that the place we live in where there is only right or wrong

True or false

Black or white

I don't believe that

I don't believe life is that way

I believe life is more than one path

I believe life is a maze with many turns

It is more than right or wrong

True or false

Black or white

Life is a maze

And I live in that maze.

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