Full Moon

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No one POV 

Eleanor was walking around Kattegat and she saw Ubbe and Bjorn speaking and she saw the Sami. 

Lagertha said "King Harald and your brother Ivar plan to attack us" and she looked around Kattegat, and saw blood spilling and saw fire. 

Bjorn said "Ubbe, why have you fallen out so violently with Ivar?" and Ubbe said "How can you even ask me that question? You know what Ivar is, you saw. And Hvitserk chose to go with him. The traitor. My sister is being manipulated, she's always been fragile in the mind." 

Eleanor scoffed and said "Says the son who works with his mother's murderer"and Ubbe said "They will destroy our father's legacy for all time. But we can fight to preserve as much as we can. Our father lives through us, Bjorn, or he doesn't live at all." 

Lagertha said "What are you going to do, Halfdan? Are you going to rejoin your brother?" and Halfdan said "No. Bjorn saved my life, and I have sworn allegiance to him, and nothing will make me change my mind." 

Lagertha said "While you were away, your brother came here. He swore to me that he no longer had any designs on my kingdom. But he was lying. His only son has married Eleanor,and as Eleanor is Ragnar's daughter, with her, he has a claim, a claim their children could have. How do I know that you're not lying?". 

Halfdan said "You don't, even though I swore on my sacred ring. Do you think I'm lying, Bjorn?" and Bjorn said "You and I crawled out from under the same rock. I believe you will fight against your brother. So my sister has married." 

Ubbe said "Alf, yes, she's probably happy about that, she's always wanted to, Ivar probably used her to do it to use an alliance." 

Bjorn said "Or Eleanor used what Ivar needed to get what she wanted, she's not someone you wanted to underestimate after all she sees all."


Eleanor gasped as she looked up and was taken out of the vision and Ivar said "And?" and Eleanor said "Bjorn has returned back to Kattegat, the Sami are helping them, Ubbe thinks your manipulating me, that I am too stupid to think for myself, at least Bjorn thinks I have a brain, How low does Ubbe think of me?". 

Ivar looked up and said "Ubbe thinks I'm manipulating you" and Eleanor said "For your abilities, but it seems Lagertha is wary of the alliance, since I'm married to Alf now." 

Ivar said "Yes, yes, all happy and good, perhaps that dream you want might be yours, if you stay by my side." 

Eleanor said "Yeah, you've mentioned that." 

Ivar said "Tell me, sister, are you with Child yet" and Eleanor sighed and said "No." 

Ivar said "No" and Eleanor said "No, I am not with Child yet, it takes time. I understand that might be difficult for you and King Harald to get it through your brain, and if he asks me one more time, I will lose my sanity. Asking a couple hundred time won't change the answer." 

Ivar said "Well, I didn't notice it was so hard" and Eleanor ate something and gagged and said "Oh, that's disgusting." 

Ivar said "What is that?" and Eleanor said "Mother told me about herbs that help with pregnancy, and things that used to stop her visions, during the pregnancy to make sure it would be easier on the child." 

Ivar said "Well, you are a Seer, your children will be Seers as well" and Eleanor looked up and said "I know, it's just." 

Ivar said "I'm glad your going through all this trouble to be a mother" and Eleanor said "Well, it's not so easy." 

Ivar said "Well, it sure is easy from " and Eleanor said "For the man, Carrying a child and bringing it into the world has challenges, Mother used to say it was it's own kind of battlefield. I mean she has a point." 

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