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Roeena and Reya came down to find everyone gathered in the living room.

 "These three have no idea about the moral values, that's why they are like this." Declared Badi dadi.

 "Now what Badi dadi?" asked Rocky in a fed-up tone. 

"Mistreating your guests." Answered Badi Dadi. 

"Badi Dadi, we were putting away our things and we were getting ready for lunch." Interrupted Reya.

 "Eating non vegetarian, after the wedding is fixed." Said Rashmi smugly. 

Reena looked shocked so was Reya. 

"Did you think that I would not notice the container?" asked Rashmi. 

Priya looked at Reena who lowered her gaze. 

"I was craving so only..." started Reena.

 Priya came to her rescue as she could not bear to watch her daughter in law being questioned. 

"If you have cravings, you can tell the house helps to prepare whatever you want, avoid eating out. And Raja see to that." Said Priya.

 "Badi Ma, its natural for Reena beti have cravings, so if the baby wants it, we can't consider the traditions and all." Added Ram.

 Reena heaved a sigh of relief; Rocky side hugged her and patted her back. Rashmi left the place in anger followed by Badi Dadi and the others left to attend their chores.

Days passed as the preparation were on full swing for the wedding, the wedding was to happen in the palatial residence of the Bariyas which was present in the outskirts of Bangalore. 

Rajendra Desai and few friends and family members came for the wedding. 

The engagement was a very intimate affair with just the family.

 Rocky and Reya were very cautious as they found Rashmi's behavior very odd, she was sickly sweet towards everyone. 

The next day Haldi took place, Reya splashed Haldi on Roeena. Rashmi too joined her in emptying containers of haldi on Roeena.

After lunch, Rashmi was sitting in her room with an irritated look on her face. 

Badi Dadi entered and bolted the door and settled next to her. 

"Dadi, I am tired of acting lovingly, you do not seem to do anything. I am leaving this place now." Said Rashmi as she got up to pack her stuff.

 Badi Dadi got up and held her hand and made her to sit and took a small pouch from her bag and forwarded it to Rashmi. 

She took it and opened the pouch and found a small glass bottle filled with some green liquid.

 Rashmi looked at the bottle then at Badi Dadi, "I already guessed that girl would be pregnant when Priya informed about the wedding, so I came here prepared." Said Badi Dadi.

 Rashmi smirked looking at the bottle and said, "Raja Krishnappa Bariya belongs to Rashmi Shetty."

 "This wedding is happening only because of that baby, if its not there then no wedding will happen." Said Badi Dadi in an evil tone.

That evening, Reena was dolled up for the Mehandhi, and she sat in the middle surrounded by women and Rocky sat beside her feeding her fruits.

 Reya and a few girls danced around Reya twirled and twirled and a pair of hands caught her. 

She looked up and found a handsome man, she came out of his hold and smiled to get rid of the awkwardness.

 "Hi, I am Rohan." Introduced the man. 

"Hi, I am Reya." Said Reya. 

"I know Reya Bariya, the daughter of Ram Bariya and the sister of Raja Bariya. 

Reya just smiled in response. 

"By the way the decorations are so good." Said Rohan initiating a conversation.

 "Oh Thanks." Said Reya. At the time, someone called Reya and she said bye and left the place.

Meanwhile, Badi Dadi mixed the poison in a glass of juice and sent it to Reena. 

Rocky was feeding Reena some fruits but she was refusing to eat.

 "Rocky, I want something spicy not sweet." Whined Reena. 

"Okay, I will bring something. Now open your mouth aah and eat this apple like a good girl." Said Rocky trying to make Reena eat.

 "Nooooo" said Reena as she closed her mouth and eyes and turned the other side.

 "Mam, please stay still." Said the Mehandhi artist as she found it difficult as Reena was throwing tantrums.

 The waiter came near them with the juice but Reena sent him back telling him to bring golgappe. 

Badi Dadi watched this scene and closed her eyes in defeat as her plan did not work. But she was not the person who could accept defeat that easily. 

She took the glass from the waiter and went to Indrajit Dadi.

 "Indrajit, is that girl eating healthy food, then how will the baby be healthy? see she is eating golgappe.

 Go and give her this juice to her." Said Badi Dadi.

 Indrajit Dadi took the glass and walked towards Roeena. 

But she saw Rashmi standing in a corner and staring at the couple.

 She went near her and said, "Rashmi, I know you are not happy but accept your fate and move on. Now drink this juice and go and rest for a while." Said Indrajit Dadi in a caring tone.

When this was happening Rohan found Badi Dadi alone and he assumed that she was the eldest member of the Bariya family and friendship with her would help him to get Reya. 

So he began to talk in a flattering tone with Badi Dadi pouring out the tales of his wealth.

 Badi Dadi began conversing with him hoping to get Rashmi married to him if all her plans fail.

Rashmi took the juice and drank it in a single go and went to sit by the pool. 

Badi Dadi forgot all about her plan as she found Rohan as a better match for Rashmi. She searched for Rashmi, so that she can make them meet.

Golden Couple-KGF Spin offOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora