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The next morning Reena opened her eyes, she felt so warm all around, she tried to move a bit but she could not. 

She felt trapped, her sleepiness flew away as she found Rocky lying on her, with his mouth latched on her bud. 

She tried to move her legs but it was tangled with his.

 She felt some heaviness in between her legs. 

"Oh God!" she thought as he was still inside her. 

"Rocky, wake up" she whispered in his ear.

 But he did not seem to stir, "Rocky, please I want to move." She whisper-yelled in his ear. 

He slowly stirred and opened his eyes to meet her panicked ones. "Good morning, Shona and thank you, baby." Said Rocky as he pecked her lips.

 "Rocky please, I need to move." Said Reena.

 "No baby, stay with me I need you." Mumbled Rocky as he buried his face in her cleavage.

 "Rocky, please I need to use the restroom." Said Reena trying to push him away. 

"Mm, okay go." Said Rocky moving a bit away.

 "Rocky come out of me!" said Reena in a furious tone. 

Rocky finally realized what she was referring to and did as she said. 

Reena slowly sat up and took his jacket, which she found near her and wore, and slowly limped to the restroom.

 Rocky wore his boxers and lifted her; she suppressed her scream as she did not want people to know that Rocky was in her room.

 He made her sit on the edge of her bathtub and began preparing a bubble bath. 

Reena saw him filling the tub and adding the right amount of soap. 

"I took you in only on humanitarian grounds nothing more than that." Said Reena steely.

 Rocky put the bubble bath bottle away turned towards her and said, "Did you invite me into your bed on a humanitarian basis also?" 

He chuckled and came near her and said, "Shona, I know you very well and I am very sorry for not standing up for you, Ma is scared that a new member might rip the family apart, so she was shocked when I took you home. That is why she sputtered out words in haste. But I can guarantee you that she is not like the ones shown in saas-bahu soaps." Said Rocky. 

He slowly tried to take off the jacket, but as she did not push him away, he took it off fully and dropped her into the bath gently.

 He massaged and scrubbed her well and made her wear her bathrobe.

 He washed himself and came out in a bathrobe to find her dressed up in a floral frock and a blazer with her phone in her hand. 

He took out his clothes and changed and joined her. "As per the weather forecast, there will be heavy snow today also." Said Reena. 

"That's nice, lets cuddle and talk the whole day." Said Rocky putting his arms around her.

 Reena pushed him away and said, "That means we'll be snowed in and I can't send you to some hotel." Said Reena as she got up and walked to the window.

 "I don't mind staying at my wife's house." Said Rocky as he joined her near the window.

 Reena looked at him confused, she was indeed confused with herself, a part of her wanted to jump into his arms and hug him and cry, but another part wanted her to push him away.

 "Rocky please don't make things difficult for me." Said Reena with a sob. 

He gathered her into his arms and said, "From the day you left, I was not myself, I could not even do simple things, I tried to divert my thoughts by playing cricket. I got bowled out for the first time in my life, I lost an important deal, and a lot more. From that, I understood life without you would be hell. Please, Shona, give me a chance." 

Reena placed her head on his chest and closed her eyes. Rocky gently caressed her hair, and both embraced peace. Their moment was interrupted by a knock on the door. 

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