Tensions and Pathways Aplenty

Start from the beginning

Crimp immediately panicked as she saw the barely visible yet painful burn mark on his arm, which made the little hairball quickly apologize, commenting, "Oh, my God! I'm sorry," before gently pointing out, "Um, maybe it would be easier if you took your shirt off"?

Now, Veneer COULD take the robe and his shirt off to iron his clothes a lot easier; it would make the job done a lot faster. And he WOULD do that...if it were not for the far-off look that Velvet was casting towards him, which was more than enough for Veneer to pretend like he could care less, kicking his feet up while saying, acting tired, "Don't be lazy."

Crimp merely just bit her lip and proceeded to iron his clothes quietly; ever since she was hired a month ago to work for them, this kind of behavior was something she had grown very used to, and since then, she has kept following the same montra to herself: Just do what they say, and they won't hurt you. They didn't scare her or anything...at least...not always. If anything, she was more anxious around Velvet than Veneer; at least Veneer wasn't always so...daunting with her and wasn't as demanding or intimidating to tend to as Velvet. Velvet was basically a prima donna, a spoiled brat, and a narcissistic queen all tied into one, and there was so much that Crimp had had to deal with from her, so much she wished she could say it was not so regretful, but it was.

As much as the hairball wanted to do something about it, she honestly couldn't bring herself to do it. The last time she tried to persuade Velvet and Veneer to do something that'd make her assisting job a little easier, Velvet shouted harsh insults at her (not like it was any different to what she would tell her every day), and also had to deal with a very...painful consequence that involved Velvet's shoe and...that's all she could bring herself to describe it.

It was no picnic for Floyd to be watching all of this either; it stung him most that there was only so much he could do himself to help her while being stuck in the bottle. but even his own words that he'd tell Velvet and Veneer seemed to fall on deaf ears simply.

Bringing her mindset back to being focused on helping the twins, Crimp then approached Velvet to address an important matter, telling her, "Oh, by the way, you know that thing you asked me for"?

"Space from you," Velvet responded in a sarcastically inquisitive/nonchalant "get the fuck away from me" expression.

Crimp, trying to play it off like a joke, forced some laughter while saying, "Oh, no. Yeah, no...," before the reality of what Velvet ACTUALLY said to her settled in, making her ask, "Uh, what"?

Of course, Crimp knew what Velvet actually said, and as much as she wanted to point that out, she decided against it, and reverted the conversation back to the main topic, explaining, "Anyways, you said you needed a way to make your smoothies even fruitier on stage."

This stuck out to Veneer, who had taken his robe off, and was absentmindedly listening to the conversation, and the sound of what his sister had requested him was very...off. not once did the twins even DRINK smoothies on stage, much less during a performance, so why was his sister asking Crimp about something like that? This intrigued him, causing Veneer to ask, "You did"?

Velvet immediately shushed her brother, answering, "Shh, yes, that is what I want," before ushering Crimp to "Go on."

Crimp smiled and let out a small chuckle before continuing to explain, "Well, I had an idea," and strutted over to a model stand that had what looked like standard white shoulder pads on. She spun it around, showing the front, which had two diamond containers on each shoulder pad (the containers looked just like the same diamond bottle that Floyd was in), and a purple button right in the middle of the pads. Proud of her creation, Crimp declared, "Tada," while showing it off to the twins.

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