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My name is Zara, and I am immortal. I have lived for more than two million years, and I have seen the world change in ways you cannot imagine. I was born in the Lower Paleolithic era, when humans were still primitive hunters and gatherers, living in caves and using stone tools. I was part of a small tribe that roamed the lands of what is now Africa, following the seasons and the animals.

I don't know how or why I became immortal. I just noticed that I never aged, never got sick, never died. I saw my family, my friends, my lovers, grow old and perish, while I remained young and healthy. I tried to hide my secret, but eventually people became suspicious and fearful of me. They accused me of being a witch, a demon, a curse. They shunned me, attacked me, tried to kill me. But I always survived, always escaped, always found a new place to start over.

I have lived in many different cultures and civilizations, learning their languages, customs, and histories. I have witnessed wars, famines, plagues, revolutions, and discoveries. I have seen the rise and fall of empires, the birth and death of religions, the creation and destruction of art and science. I have met countless people, some famous, some forgotten, some good, some evil. I have loved and hated, helped and harmed, saved and killed. I have experienced joy and sorrow, hope and despair, faith and doubt. I have lived a thousand lives, and yet I feel like I have not truly lived at all.

I am now in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia, a small country in Central Europe. I came here a few years ago, looking for a quiet and peaceful place to settle down. I work as a librarian at the National Library, where I can indulge my passion for books and knowledge. I have a small apartment near the Danube river, where I can watch the sunsets and the stars. I have a few friends and acquaintances, but no one close enough to call a family. I have learned to blend in and avoid attention, to keep my distance and not get attached. I have learned to be alone.

But sometimes, I wonder if there is more to life than this. Sometimes, I wonder if there is someone out there who can understand me, who can share my burden, who can make me feel alive. Sometimes, I wonder if there is a purpose to my existence, a reason for my immortality, a destiny for my soul. Sometimes, I wonder if I will ever find the answers to these questions, or if I will keep wandering the earth forever, searching for something I cannot name.

This is my story, and this is who I am. I am Zara, and I am immortal.

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